Learning Outcomes
During the course, the students are expected to:
1) understand the basic principles of Economic Geology
2) understand the conditions of the formation of ore deposits and their relationship to the geotectonic environments and the geological processes
3) recognize the types of ore deposits
4) combine the various data (geological, petrographic, mineralogical, geochemical) for interpretation of the metallogenic models
5) use basic research methods, such as ore microscopy, in the study of ore deposits
6) link theoretical knowledge with practical applications during field work
Course Content (Syllabus)
1. General principles and terminology
2. Processes of formation of ore minerals
3. Mineralizing fluids in the crust
4. Hydrothermal alterations
5. Classification of ore deposits
6. Geotectonic environment of formation, description and metallogenic models for the major types of ore deposits:
6.1. Magmatic-hydrothermal deposits
6.1.1. Deposits related with ultramafic and mafic rocks
6.1.2. Pegmatitic ore deposits
6.1.3. Skarn ore deposits
6.1.4. Intrusion related deposits
6.1.5. Replacement Pb-Zn deposits
6.1.6. Porphyry deposits
6.1.7. Epithermal deposits
6.1.8. Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits
6.2. Lateritic residual processes (laterites, bauxites)
6.3. Supergene oxidized and enriched deposits
6.4. Sedimentary and karst deposits
6.5. Vein deposits in metamorphic terrains
6.6. Marble deposits