Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be familiar with the understanding of the structures and functions of the Greek political system, the role and function of political parties and will be able to use a number of other analytical tools such as the theory of cleavages.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course focuses on the analysis on the inner contradictions of the Greek political system after the Second World War, the functions of the State, the position and the role of political parties, the nature of electoral rivalry, social and political-ideological divisions, the role of the Army and the Monarchy, the dominant political ideology aw well as the dominated ones and, finally the forms of (under)-development of social organizations and civil society.
As far as the military dictatorship of 1967-1974 is concerned, the course will attempt to delve on a wider political insight of this particular regime brought about by violent means.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Ηλίας Νικολακόπουλος, Η καχεκτική δημοκρατία, Αθήνα, Πατάκης, 2002
Additional bibliography for study
∆ηµήτρης Χαραλάµπης, Στρατός και πολιτική εξουσία. Η δοµή της εξουσίας στην µετεµφυλιακή Ελλάδα, Εξάντας, 1985.
Χριστόφορος Βερναρδάκης, Γιάννης Μαυρής, Κόµµατα και κοινωνικές συµµαχίες στην προδικτατορική Ελλάδα, Εξάντας, 1991.