Learning Outcomes
With the completion students will be able to:
● Design and prepare a strategic marketing plan (strategic marketing plan)
● They use traditional and digital marketing tools
● They understand the dynamics and relationships that develop in the persons-parties-issues relationship
● They analyze the electoral behavior of the electorate on the basis of existing analysis models
● Recognize and apply the basic marketing theory (4P's, market segmentation, audience targeting, etc.) in the field of political competition
● Choose and use the right tools and methods in the field of analysis and planning of a political campaign.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Students are presented with the development and operation of the basic marketing principles as they are applied in the field of politics as well as in the assertion of power during the election campaign, under the format persons-parties-issues. The course offers students not only the theoretical introduction to the concepts and principles of political marketing and communication, but an empirical approach to applied political marketing, both traditional and digital, in three sub-themes: marketing strategy formulation, resource management , public opinion polling and election campaigns of formal or informal political subjects.
ntroduction to Political Marketing and Basic Concepts, Political Market – Political Consumer, Strategic Marketing Plan, Traditional Marketing Media, Digital Marketing Media
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Πολιτική και Διαδίκτυο (ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ ΕΥΔΟΞΟΥ 102124836), Μαρκάκη Ν. Ευαγγελία, Χατζηπαντέλης Θεόδωρος, ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΕΠΙΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΑΕ. 2021, ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ
Πολιτικό μάρκετινγκ. Αρχές και εφαρμογές (ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ ΕΥΔΟΞΟΥ 33153397), Lees- Marshment Jennifer, Μτφρ. Φυλακτάκη Πένυ, Κοτζαιβάζογλου Ιορδάνης, Επιμ. Κοτζαιβάζογλου Ιορδάνης UNIVERSITY STUDIO PRESS - ΑΝΩΝΥΜΟΣ ΕΤΑΙΡΙΑ ΓΡΑΦΙΚΩΝ ΤΕΧΝΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΕΚΔΟΣΕΩΝ, 2013, ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ