Course Content (Syllabus)
• Introduction to numerical methods for the analysis of stuctures using computers. Basic matrix methods of analysis: displacement (or stiffness) method and force (or flexibility) method. Analytical development of the Direct Stiffness Method for linear structures under static loading: discretization and finite elements, degrees-of-freedom, load/force/displacement and strain vectors, element flexibility and stiffness matrices, transformation of the reference system, formation of the system's stiffness matrix from the element stiffness matrices. Application to planar and spatial structures.
• Modelling of structural systems and formation of the computational model. Basic modeling rules for rigid or flexible floor diaphragms, rigid frames, planar walls and spatial wall assemblies (cores) of building structures as well as of foundation structural elements (footings, connecting beams, etc). Numerical examples and exercises using specific computer analysis software.
Finite Element Analysis for plane and spatial frames, Direct Stiffness Method, Modelling of Structural Systems
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Βιβλίο [59369378]: Η Μέθοδος των Πεπερασμένων Στοιχείων, Αβραμίδης Ι., Αθανατοπούλου Α., Μορφίδης Κ.
Βιβλίο [50658954]: Ανάλυση Ραβδωτών Φορέων με Μητρωικές Μεθόδους - Μέθοδος Αμεσης Στιβαρότητας, Παπαδρακάκης Μ. Σαπουντζάκης Ε.Ι.
Βιβλίο [77108689]: Ανάλυση Κατασκευών, Κωμοδρόμος Πέτρος