Additional bibliography for study
1. Anderson, C. J. (2000) “Economic voting and political context: A comparative perspective”, Electoral Studies, vol.19 (2-3), pp. 151-170.
2. Bartels, L. M. (2010) “The Study of Electoral Behavior”, in J. E. Leighley (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior. Available here:
3. Blais, A. (2000) To Vote or not to Vote. The Merits and Limits of Rational Choice Theory, Pittsburg: Pittsburg University Press (specific chapters).)
4. Campbell, A. (1960) ‘Surge and decline: a study of electoral change’, Public Opinion Quarterly, vol. 24, pp.397-418.
5. Campbell, Α. , Converse, P. E. , Miller, W. E., Stokes D. E. (1960) The American Voter, New York: John Wiley & Sons.
6. Carmines, E. & Stimson, J. Α. (1980) “The Two Faces of Issue Voting” , American Political Science Review, vol. 74, pp. 78–91.
7. Dalton, R. J. (2000) “The Decline of Party Identifications” , in Dalton, R. J & Wattenberg, M. (eds.) Parties Without Partisans: Political Change in Advanced Industrial Democracies, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
8. Dalton, R. & Klingemann, H-D. (2007) The Oxford Handbook of Political Behaviour, Oxford: Oxford University Press (specific chapters).
9. Farrell, D. M. & Schmitt-Beck, R. (2002) Do Political Campaigns Matter? Campaign Effects in Elections and Referendums, London and New York: Routledge (specific chapters).
10. Franklin, M. & Eijk, C. van der (2009) Elections and Voters, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan(specific chapters).
11. Franklin, M. (2001) “Electoral Participation”, in Niemi, R. & Weisberg, H. (eds.) Controversies in Voting Behavior, 4th edition, Washington: CQ Press.
12. Kriesi, H. (1998) ‘The Transformation of Cleavage Politics. The 1997 Stein Rokkan lecture’, European Journal of Political Research, vol. 33, pp. 165-185.
13. Kriesi, H., Grande, E., Lachat, R., Dolezal, M. Bornschier, S. & Frey, T. (2008) West European Politics in the Age of Globalization, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
14. Lewis-Beck, Μ. & Stegmaier, M. (2000) ‘Economic determinants of electoral outcomes’, Annual Review of Political Science, vol. 3, pp. 183–219.
15. Lipset, S.M. & Rokkan, S. (1990) “Cleavage Structures, Party Systems, and Voter Alignments”, in Mair, P. (ed) The West European Party System. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
16. Mair, P. (2007) “Left-Right Orientations”, in Dalton, R, J. & Klingemann, H.-D. The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 206-222.
17. McDonald, P. (2003) “Useful Fiction or Miracle Maker: The Competing Epistemological Foundations of Rational Choice Theory”, The American Political Science Review,vol. 97:4, pp.551-565.
18. Reif, K. & Schmitt, H. (1980) ‘Nine second-order national elections; a conceptual framework for the analyses of European election results’, European Journal of Political Research, vol.8(3), pp. 3–44.
19. Schmitt, H. & Teperoglou, E. (2015) The 2014 European Parliament elections in Southern Europe: second-order or critical elections?, South European Society and Politics, vol. 20 (3)
20. Teperoglou, E. & Tsatsanis, E. (2014) “Dealignment, de-legitimation and the implosion of the two-party system in Greece: The earthquake election of 6 May 2012” , Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties, vol. 24 (2), pp.222-242.
21. Teperoglou, Ε. , Tsatsanis, Ε. & Nicalokopoulos, Ε. (2015) “Habituating to the new normal: The 2014 European Election in Greece in a post-earthquake party system”, South European Society and Politics, vol. 20 (3),pp. 333-355.
22. Tsatsanis, E. & Teperoglou, E. (2016) “Realignment under Stress: The July 2015 Referendum and the September Parliamentary Election in Greece”, South European Society and Politics, DOI:10.1080/13608746.2016.1208906.