Learning Outcomes
To comprehend the basic structure and construction of synchronous steam turbine generators
To understand the steady-state operational characteristics of synchronous turboalternators, their electrical equivalent circuit, the control of active and reactive power output
To comprehend the basic structure and construction of synchronous salient pole generators and their steady state performance.
To comprehend the operation of synchronous generators in case of transient or dynamic disturbances in the grid.
To understand the procedure of measuring the electrical characteristics of synchronous generators from open circuit and short circuit tests
To comprehend the basic structure, the characteristics and the operational performance of 3phase power transformers, as well as the techniques to estimate their characteristics from open and short circuit tests.
To comprehend the operation of 3phase power transformers in cases of asymmetries and transients.
To understand the basic structure and operation of special power transformers, measurement transformers, control transformers etc
Course Content (Syllabus)
Connection of synchronous generators to the grid, steady state operation, synchronous generator characteristics and tests, salient pole synchronous generators. Symmetrical components, asymmetrical operation of synchronous generators, synchronous generator transients and dynamics, excitation systems for synchronous generators, parallel operation of generators.
Three phase power transformer, windings configurations, asymmetrical loading of power transformers, zero sequence currents in transformers, parallel operation of transformers, special transformers, transformer protection, transformer standardization.
Control of generators, active power and frequency control, control areas, primary, secondary control, excitation control, voltage and reactive power control, operational limits and characteristics.
Synchronous generators, steady state operation, transients and dynamics, power transformers, power-frequency control, reactive power-voltage control
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Λαμπρίδης, Ντοκόπουλος, Παπαγιάννης, Συστήματα Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας Τόμος Α
ISBN: 960-456-020-4, Εκδόσεις ΖΗΤΗ, 2006
KUNDUR PRABHA, Δ. Λαμπρίδης (επιμ), Έλεγχος και Ευστάθεια Συστημάτων Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας
ISBN: 978-960-418-803-1, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, 2019
Additional bibliography for study
Electrical Power Systems, Vol.1, Guile, A.E. and Paterson, W., Pergamon, 1994.
Electrical Power Systems, Vol.2, Guile, A.E. and Paterson, W., Pergamon, 1994.
Power Systems Grounding and Transients - An Introduction, Meliopoulos, A.P.S., Dekker, 1988.
Electric Power Systems, Weedy, B.M., Chichester, 1988.
Power Systems, Gungor, B.R., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988.
Electric Energy Systems Theory, Elgerd, O.I., McGraw-Hill, 1978.