Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to
– get a general overview of the history of Rome and of the creation of the Empire
– follow historical phenomena in the longue durée
– aquire knowledge of the social organization and value economic data
– distiguish the political institutions from the Realpolitik and the diplomacy
– understand ideological issues and the role of the personality in the history
– esteem the dynamics of the wars and the army
– have a critical approach of the written sources
– appreciate the Roman heritage in the construction of the Europe
Course Content (Syllabus)
General overview of the Roman History. Foundation myths and the regnal period. Res publica with emphasis on the institutions, the mos maiorum, the social organization, the economy, and the political and military changes. Wars and extension of the Empire in the western and eastern Mediterranean. Internal wars and the foundation of the Pricipate by Augustus, institutional reforms, provinces. Overview of the Early imperial period, dynasties. The role of the emperor, relations and ways of communication with the subjects, the world of the cities. Political, economic and military crisis of the 3rd c. AD. Tetrarchy. Constantine the Great. Reading litterary sources and inscriptions in association with archaeological and numismatic data during the courses.
Rome, Roman Empire, Res publica, Roman emperor, imperial dynasties, Greek cities