Learning Outcomes
The students who successfully complete the course are able to:
-Understand and use with relative ease the vocabulary of the special language of Theological Science found in the original texts they study
-Use techniques such as fast reading or scanning reading
-Understand the importance of the Arabic language as a means of theological dialogue in the Arab world
-improve the skills of dialogue and communication with the other
Course Content (Syllabus)
The aim of the course is to deep in the knowledge of classical Arabic language by students. . More specifically, during the course, the study of the Arabic verb, its smooth and derivative forms, the passive voice, the hypothetical speech, will be completed in order to enter into the end of the study of the irregular verbs. At the end of the course, students will be able to understand and correctly interpret Greek texts from the classical Arab-Islamic literature
Additional bibliography for study
1. Eckehard Schulz, Günther Krahl,Wolfgang Reuschel, Standard Arabic, An Elementary-Intermediate Course textbook, Cambridge 2000
2. Fadel Ibrahim, Μέθοδος Διδασκαλίας της Αραβικής Γλώσσας, Εκδότης Μπαλιάτσας Β. Δημήτριος 2022
3. Μαθαίνω Αραβικά (Γ), Suhad Nierat, Διαθέτης (Εκδότης): ΑΥΤΟΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΖΟΜΕΝΗ ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΥ ΚΟΙΝ.Σ.ΕΠ,