Learning Outcomes
The students will be able to understand main theories of Political Science. They will acquire a basic direction in the various ways/ approaches of studying politics, while main aim is to provide the opportunity to systematize these concepts in the next semester. The main aim is the one of developing a critical analysis of the main concepts of Politics.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The main aim of this course is to offer an introduction to the various forms of the political phenomenon. The objective of the course is to present the main concepts and theories in Political Science in an attempt to familiarize students with different aspects of political analysis and explanations of political phenomena.
After an introduction to the central question "What is politics?, we examine the following concepts:
"power", "political system", the "State",the "civil society",the "ideology / s", the "nation" and "nationalism"
Emphasis is also given to the different approaches of the field of political science. Finally, the course includes lectures on the study of the legislative and executive branches of power.
Political Science, Democracy, Ideologies, Political Representation, Political Decision, Authoritarian regimes, Parliaments, executive
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Hague Rod, Harrop Martin, McCormick John (2020) ΣΥΓΚΡΙΤΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑΚΥΒΕΡΝΗΣΗ 3η έκδοση, Κριτική
2.Garner, R. / Ferdinand, P. , Lawson, S. (2021) Εισαγωγή στην Πολιτική, έκδοση: 4η βρετανικη-1η Κυπριακή, Λευκωσία: ODYSSEUS PUBLISHING LTD
Additional bibliography for study
Heywood, Andrew (2014) Εισαγωγή στην Πολιτική, 4η Έκδοση, Θεσσαλονίκη: Επίκεντρο
Roskin, Michael/Cord, Robert/Medeiros, James/ Jones, Walter (2008) Εισαγωγή στην Πολιτική Επιστήμη, 10η Έκδοση, Επίκεντρο, Θεσσαλονίκη.
Lowndes, D. Marsh, G. Stoker, επιστ. επιμ. Ανδρέας Γκόφας, Γιώργος Ευαγγελόπουλος (2020) Θεωρία και μέθοδοι της πολιτικής επιστήμης, Εκδόσεις Πεδίο, Αθήνα