Course Content (Syllabus)
Stress & Strain (Stress, Stress tensor, Principal stresses, Maximum Shear Stress & Failure, Differential Stress, Equation of Motion, Strain, Constitutive equations, 1.9 Strain Energy)
Earthquakes and Faulting – (Earthquake Generation, Crustal Faults, Fault Geometry, Elastic Dislocation and Seismic Cycle, Energy Release, Stress Drop and Seismic Moment, Stick Slip, Seismicity and Scaling Laws)
Earthquake Source Models– (Point Source, Forces at the Earthquake Source – Double Couple, Shear Rupture & Dislocation, Point Shear Rupture, Geometry of shear rupture, far field displacement, Source representation on focal sphere, Source time function, Spectral properties of the source tine function, Seismic Energy Radiation)
Point source mechanism – (Focal sphere, Fault plane solutions based on first arrivals, Waveform modeling)
Rupture Kinematics & Propagation – (Source dimensions, Rectangular Fault –Haskell’s model, Rupture Propagation, Corner Frequency, Directivity effects, Rupture initiation, propagation & termination)
Finite Source – Simple Dynamic Models – (Waveform spectral analysis, Source Time Function, Slip distribution, Kinematic and dynamic models, Moving dislocation, Circular fault (static model, Brune’s model), Energy release, Scaling Laws)
Seismotectonics (Plate tectonics, Mid Oceanic Ridges, Subduction Zones, Intraplate Earthquakes (oceanic and continental), Rupture and Deformation)
Active Tectonics in Greece and Surrounding Area
Structure and contain of exercises
Fault Parameters & Scaling Laws – applications with data from Greek seismicity
Seismic Moment, Stress Drop & Energy Release – calculations in data from global seismicity – comparison & interpretation
Fault Plane Solution Determination based on First Polarities
Fault Plane and Stress Axes Representation – data and examples from different seismotectonic environments
Stress field determination and interpretation – examples and applications in different seismotectonic regions in Greece
Reid’s model – trial & error approximation for constraining displacement and fault dimensions
Summing up the Laboratory Exercises
All-day field practice
1) Field Practice on "Ambient Noise Measurements and Determination of the Geophysical Properties of Surface Layers"
2) Indicative area of practice, e.g. urban environment, focused on specific places of interest
Seismogenesis, seismic faults, rupture propagation, rupture directivity, finite source properties and characteristics, elastic dislocation, seismic moment, fault plane solutions (methods and interpretation), definition of local and regional stress field, seismotectonics (regional and global)