Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
• Understand the major food processing and preservation technologies of foods.
• Understand the major major causes of food deterioration and the technological approaches available to control them.
• Understand the impact of various processing and preservation technologies on quality attributes and food stability.
• Recognize the dynamics of food systems as it pertains to processing and preservation technologies.
Course Content (Syllabus)
• Generally for food processing. The concept of food processing. Food quality degradation. Microorganisms. Enzymes. Chemical reactions. Food preservation methods.
• Thermal processing of foods. Canning and aseptic treatment. Determination of appropriate heat treatment. Thermal destruction of microorganisms. Thermal destruction of nutrients.
• Pasteurization - sterilization - blanching. Pasteurization, sterilization, and blanching conditions. Methods and equipment.
• Canning. The concept of canning. Canning containers. Canning stages. Canned product alterations. Food canning examples.
• Aseptic treatment. The concept of aseptic treatment. Advantages of aseptic treatment. Aseptic treatment stages. Typical and special aseptic treatment systems.
• Food cooling. Cooling conditions. Behavior of food during cooling. Impact of cooling on food quality. Refrigerants. Cold production methods. Food cooling methods. Combining cooling techniques (controlled atmosphere maintenance, modified atmosphere packaging).
• Food freezing. Rate and time of freezing. Impact of freezing on food quality. Freezing methods. Food thawing.
• Food concentration. Concentration by evaporation. Concentration by freezing and separation of ice crystals. Concentration with semipermeable membranes. Comparison of methods - Advantages and disadvantages.
• Dehydration of foods. Principles of dehydration. Methods of food dehydration. Brief description of dryers.
• Food irradiation and food preservation with high hydrostatic pressures. Ionizing radiation. Applications of radiation in food preservation. Radiation and safety. Radiation detection in foods. Microwaves. High hydrostatic pressure application. Influence of radiation and high hydrostatic pressures on food quality.
• Chemical and biological methods of food preservation. Salting. Smoking. Addition of sugars. Additives. General for fermentation. Lactic fermentation. Alcoholic fermentation. Acidic fermentation. Examples.
• Changes in the nutritional value of foods as a result of various processes (loss of vitamins, oxidations, protein denaturation, destruction of fatty acids and amino acids, Maillard products, etc.).
• Food packaging. Contribution of packaging to food preservation. Packaging characteristics. Plastic, metallic, glass, and paper packaging. Basic principles for selecting the appropriate package. Package and product interaction. Modified atmosphere packaging. Active packaging.
Additional bibliography for study
• Μπλούκας Ι. 2004. Επεξεργασία και Συντήρηση Τροφίμων. Εκδόσεις Σταμούλης, Θεσσαλονίκη.
• Λάζος Ε.Σ. 2010. Επεξεργασία Τροφίμων. Εκδόσεις INTERBOOKS, Αθήνα.
• Karel Μ., Fennema Ο.R., Lund D.B. 2003. Physical Principles of Food Preservation (2nd ed.). Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
• Campbell-Platt G. 2009. Food Science and Technology. Wiley-Blackwell.