Italian literature IV

Course Information
TitleΙΤΑΛΙΚΗ ΛΟΓΟΤΕΧΝΙΑ ΙV / Italian literature IV
Title in ItalianLetteratura Italiana 4
SchoolItalian Language and Literature
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter/Spring
Course ID280006660

Programme of Study: UPS School of Italian Language and Literature 2013

Registered students: 127
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS
Italian Language and LiteratureMandatory Elective Courses746

Class Information
Academic Year2023 – 2024
Class PeriodWinter
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours4
Total Hours52
Class ID
Course Type 2021
Specific Foundation
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Background
  • Scientific Area
Course Type 2011-2015
Specific Foundation / Core
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
Digital Course Content
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Italian (Instruction, Examination)
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course students must be able - to recognize a poetic or narrative text of the writers of the time under examination (from the literature of the Origins to Humanism). - to apply the knowledge acquired in the field of poetics, stylistics, metrics and the historical-cultural framework to the literary analysis of a text of the time studied.
General Competences
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Adapt to new situations
  • Work autonomously
  • Work in an international context
  • Appreciate diversity and multiculturality
  • Be critical and self-critical
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
Detailed presentation of the most important representatives and currents of the literature of the centuries we focus on, with parallel references to the European literary context. Critical reading of the works of the authors we study.
Dante, Humanism, Petrarca, Boccaccio
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Multimedia
  • Book
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
Communication with students is usually done through email or Zoom.
Course Organization
Reading Assigment351.4
Student Assessment
Based on the learning objectives, the teaching methods and the content of the course, we evaluate the student's knowledge of the history of Italian literature. Students who plan to attend class regularly have the option of taking two progress tests during the semester; if successful, they are relieved of the final exam.
Student Assessment methods
  • Oral Exams (Summative)
  • early exams sessions (Formative, Summative)
Additional bibliography for study
M.Santagata, L.Carocci, A.Casadei, M.Tavoni, "Il filorosso" vol 1, Laterza, Bari-Roma 2020 ediz. rossa Programma del corso Dal volume il filorosso vol. 1* La scuola siciliana pp. 49-51, 216-217 Giacomo da Lentini - pp. 51, 217 Jacopo da Lentini, T9 “Amor è uno desio che ven da core” pp. 217-219 Il sonetto p. 188 La generazione di mezzo pp. 53-54, 224 Guittone d’Arezzo - pp. 54-55, 225 Guittone d’Arezzo T11 “Tuttor ch’io dirò Gioi, gioiva cosa” pp. 225-26 Guido Guinizelli - pp. 56, 226-27 Guido Guinizelli T13 “Io voglio del ver la mia donna laudare” pp. 231-32 Il ‘dolce stil novo’ pp. 57-59, 233 Guido Cavalcanti - pp. 59-61, 208-10 Guido Cavalcanti, “Chi è questa che vèn, ch’ogn’om la mira” pp. 182-85 Rime p.186-89. T4 “Voi che per gli occhi mi passaste il core” pp. 194-95 Dante Alighieri - pp. 76-77, 454-61 La vita nova - pp. 77-78, 402-03 La vita nova: T27 “Tanto gentile e tanto onesta pare” pp. 413-16 Il filone comico-realistico pp. 61-62, 237 Cecco Angiolieri - p. 239 Cecco Angiolieri, T19 “S’i’ fosse foco, ardere’ lo mondo” pp. 241-42 La poesia religiosa pp. 62, 243 Francesco dAssisi pp. 63-64 Iacopone da Todi - pp. 64, 246-47 Jacopone da Todi, T22 “Donna de Paradiso” (vv. 1-87) pp. 249-50, 252-53 La narrativa duecentesca pp. 66-7 Brunetto Latini pp. 68-69 Il novellino pp. 70-73, 813, T19 pp. 813-14 Dante Alighieri - Rime pp. 79-80, 418 Rime: T29 “Guido, i’ vorrei che tu e Lippo ed io” pp. 418-20 I trattati dell’esilio: Convivio, De vulgari eloquentia, La Monarchia pp. 80-83, 430, 440 La Commedia pp. 85-89, 279-286 T1 Inferno I (vv.1-105) pp. 286-94 T21 Inferno XXVI (13-142) pp. 383-390 Francesco Petrarca pp. 90-96 Secretum pp. 563-64 T20 Secretum II (L’accidia) pp. 564-66 Canzoniere pp. 97-100, 504-07 Canzoniere: T4 “Era il giorno ch’al sol si scoloraro” pp. 516-519 T5 “Erano i capei d’or a l’aura sparsi” pp. 519-21 “La vita fugge” pp. 498-501 I Trionfi pp. 96-97, 572-73 Giovanni Boccaccio p.101-02, 801-04 Filocolo - Filostrato - Teseida - Commedia delle ninfe fiorentine - Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta - pp. 102-04, 786-87, 790-91 Decameron pp. 104-07, 675-77, 799 Decameron: Giornata V, 9 T5 “Federigo degli Alberghi” pp. 700-07, Giornata VI, 9 T8 Guido Cavalcanti pp. 724-27 Genealogie, Corbaccio pp. 108-09, 795 Dal volume il filorosso vol. 1** Umanesimo pp. 4-8 Angelo Poliziano pp. 41, 210-12 Le stanze pp. 42-3, 212-14 Le stanze T3 strofe 98-102, pp.223-26 La favola di Orfeo pp. 228-29 Matteo Maria Boiardo pp. 44-45 Orlando innamorato pp. 45-46, 540-42 Orlando innamorato: T21 strofe 20-28 pp. 544-48
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