Literature and Humor

Course Information
TitleΛΟΓΟΤΕΧΝΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΧΙΟΥΜΟΡ / Literature and Humor
Title in ItalianLetteratura e Humour
SchoolItalian Language and Literature
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter/Spring
Course ID600018472

Programme of Study: UPS School of Italian Language and Literature 2013

Registered students: 1
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS
Italian Language and LiteratureElective CoursesWinter/Spring-6

Class Information
Academic Year2023 – 2024
Class PeriodSpring
Faculty Instructors
Class ID
Course Type 2021
Specific Foundation
Course Type 2016-2020
  • General Knowledge
Course Type 2011-2015
Specific Foundation / Core
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
Digital Course Content
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Italian (Instruction, Examination)
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the semester the student will have acquired the meaning of humorous literature through the history of the genre, the literary practices and forms that characterized the humorous literary production over the centuries. The student will be able to recognize the textual and extra-objective elements that define a literary work as humorous.
General Competences
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Work autonomously
  • Work in an international context
  • Generate new research ideas
  • Appreciate diversity and multiculturality
  • Demonstrate social, professional and ethical commitment and sensitivity to gender issues
  • Be critical and self-critical
Course Content (Syllabus)
The history of humour in European literature. The forms of literary humour (in letters, dialogues, short stories, novels), as twists of the narrative perspective. The function of the reader in the perception of the literary humour.
literature, humour
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Multimedia
  • Book
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
Communication with the students is performed via email and Skype We use the computer for bibliographic research etc. The lessons is performed en presence or via zoom.
Course Organization
Reading Assigment502
Other / Others
Student Assessment
Student performance is assessed with a final oral examinatio. Students who plan to attend class regularly have the option of taking two progress tests during the semester; if successful, they are relieved of the final exam.
Student Assessment methods
  • Oral Exams (Formative, Summative)
  • 2 early exams sessions (Formative, Summative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Το μάθημα δεν περιλαμβάνει βιβλιογραφία από Εύδοξο.
Additional bibliography for study
G. Alfano, L’umorismo Letterario, Carocci, Roma 2017. Να μελετηθούν τα κεφάλαια: 1.Petrarca, o la temporalità 2. Cervantes, o l’ingegno 5. Sterne, o le opinioni 6. Che cos’è ridere 7. Le insidie del riso 11. Finito e “infinitive”: la questione estetica delll’uorismo 12. La parte del lettore 13. La materia tipografica 14. Forme dell’umorismo letterario 15. Rovesciamento di prospettiva Περαιτέρω βιβλιογραφία θα δοθεί κατά τη διάρκεια των μαθημάτων. Περαιτέρω πληροφορίες για την βιβλιογραφία βρίσκονται στη πλατφόρμα elearning του μαθήματος.
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