Learning Outcomes
At the end of the semester the student will have acquired the meaning of humorous literature through the history of the genre, the literary practices and forms that characterized the humorous literary production over the centuries. The student will be able to recognize the textual and extra-objective elements that define a literary work as humorous.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The history of humour in European literature. The forms of literary humour (in letters, dialogues, short stories, novels), as twists of the narrative perspective. The function of the reader in the perception of the literary humour.
Additional bibliography for study
G. Alfano, L’umorismo Letterario, Carocci, Roma 2017.
Να μελετηθούν τα κεφάλαια:
1.Petrarca, o la temporalità
2. Cervantes, o l’ingegno
5. Sterne, o le opinioni
6. Che cos’è ridere
7. Le insidie del riso
11. Finito e “infinitive”: la questione estetica delll’uorismo
12. La parte del lettore
13. La materia tipografica
14. Forme dell’umorismo letterario
15. Rovesciamento di prospettiva
Περαιτέρω βιβλιογραφία θα δοθεί κατά τη διάρκεια των μαθημάτων.
Περαιτέρω πληροφορίες για την βιβλιογραφία βρίσκονται στη πλατφόρμα elearning του μαθήματος.