Additional bibliography for study
Witvliet, John D. “For our own purpose: the appropriation of the social sciences in liturgical studies”, p. 17-40, στο: Paul Bradshaw and John Melloh, Foundations in Ritual Studies: A Reader for Students of Christian Worship. London, 2007. REPRINT: Witvliet, John D. “For Our Own Purposes: The Appropriation of the Social Sciences in Liturgical Studies. Liturgy Digest, 2 no 2 Spr - Sum 1995. 6-35.
Stringer, Martin D. “Liturgy and anthropology: the history of a relationship.” Worship 63.6 (1989) 503-521.
Βασιλοπούλου, Χ., Οἱ κατηχήσεις τοῦ Κυρίλλου Ἱεροσολύμων – Ψυχοπαιδαγω¬γικὴ προσέγγιση, γ΄ ἔκδ., Θεσσαλονίκη: Πατριαρχικὸν Ἵδρυμα Πατριαρχικῶν Μελετῶν, 1998.
Βουλγαράκη, Η. Α., Αἱ κατηχήσεις τοῦ Κυρίλλου Ἱεροσολύμων. Ἱεραποστολικὴ θεώρησις, Ἀνάλεκτα Βλατάδων 24, Θεσσαλονίκη: Πατριαρχικὸν Ἵδρυμα Πατριαρ-χικῶν Μελετῶν, 1977.
Bruns, Peter, Den Menschen mit dem Himmel verbinden. Eine Studie zu den katechetischen Homilien des Theodor von Mopsuestia, CSCO 549, Subsidia 89, Leuven: Peeters, 1995.
Buchinger, Harald, “La Preghiera del Signore fra esegesi catechesi e liturgia: Il Padre Nostro nei primi tre secoli,” Annali di scienze religiose n.s. 3 (2010) 15-39.
Cattenoz, J.-P., Le Baptême, mystère nuptial. Théologie de saint Jean Chrysostome, Vé-nasque: Du Carmel, 1993.
Camélot, P. Th., «Note sur la théologie baptismale des Catéchèses attribuées a saint Cyrille de Jérusalem», στό: P. Granfield - J. A. Jungmann (ἐπιμ.), Kyriakon. Festschrift Johannes Quasten, t. II, Münster: Aschendorff, 1970, 724-729.
Day, J., “The Catechetical Lectures of Cyril of Jerusalem. A Source for the Baptismal Liturgy of Mid-Fourth-Century Jerusalem,” στό: D. Hellholm, T. Vegge, Ø. Norderval, Ch. Helleholm (ἐπιμ.), Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity, Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 176, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2011, 1179-1204.
Devreesse, Robert, “Les instructions catéchétiques de Théodore de Mopsueste,” Recherches de sciences religieuses 13:3 (1933) 425-436.
Doval, A. J., Cyril of Jerusalem, Mystagoge, Patristic Monograph Series 17, Washington DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2001.
_____, “The Date of Cyril of Jerusalem’s Catecheses,” Journal of Theological Studies n.s. 48.1 (1997) 129-132.
Voicu, Sever J., “Christian Initiation in Antioch between St. John Chrysostom and St. Severus,” στό: Seeing through the Eyes of Faith: New Approaches to the Mystagogy of the Church Fathers, Late Antique History and Religion 11, ἐπιμ. Paul van Geest, Leuven: Peeters, 2016, 317-330.
Vosté, Jacques Marie, “Theodori Mopsuesteni Liber ad baptizandos,” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 9 (1943) 211-228.
Witkamp, Nathan, Tradition and Innovation: Baptismal Rite and Mystagogy in Theodore of Mopsuestia and Narsai of Nisibis, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 149, Leiden: Brill, 2018.
Yarnold, E. J., “Did St Ambrose know the Mystagogical Chatecheses of St Cyril of Jerusalem?” Studia Patristica 12 (1975) 184-189.
_____, “The Authorship of the Mystagogic Catechesis attributed to Cyril of Jerusalem,” Heythrop Journal 19 (1978) 143-161.