Course Content (Syllabus)
Ancient and modern hermeneutical methods are analyzed and the contemporary implementation is presented, with emphasis on the modern linguistic and literary theories. In parallel, the patristic and ecclesial Hermeneutics is presented and exploited.
Capitals of orthodox Hermeneutics.
Hermeneutics of the early Ecclesia.
Patristic Hermeneutics.
a)Presentation of representative books and studies. b)Attendance of the scientific colloquium of the P.P.S. of the School, the “Exegeticum-Seminar of Orthodox Hermeneutical Theology”.
The philosophical background of the modern hermeneutical methods.
The linguistic pattern of the modern Hermeneutics.
The sociological pattern of the modern Hermeneutics.
a)Presentation of representative books and studies. b)Attendance of the scientific colloquium of the P.P.S. of the School, the “Exegeticum-Seminar of Orthodox Hermeneutical Theology”.
Hermeneutics of the Gospels. The question of historical Jesus.
Hermeneutics of the Pauline literature. Hermeneutical perspectives of Paul.
Hermeneutics of the Apocalypse.
a)Presentation of representative books and studies. b)Attendance of the scientific colloquium of the P.P.S. of the School, the “Exegeticum-Seminar of Orthodox Hermeneutical Theology”.
Presentation of representative books and studies.
Hermeneutics, patristic Hermeneutics, modern hermeneutical methods, linguistic hermeneutical pattern, sociological hermeneutical pattern, philosophical hermeneutical background.
Additional bibliography for study
• Bartholomew, C., C. Greene & K. Moller, (2001). After Pentecost: Language and Biblical Interpretation vol. 2. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
• Cotterell, P. and M. Turner. (1989). Linguistics and Biblical Interpretation. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
• P. Ricoeur, P. (2005). Essays on Biblical Interpretation. Fortress Press.
• Meeks, W.A. (2002). In Search of the Early Christians. Yale University.
• Selden, R. Μ. Πεχλιβάνος & Μ. Χρυσανθόπουλος (επιμ.). (2004). Από τον φορμαλισμό στον μεταδομισμό, Θεσσαλονίκη: Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών. Ίδρυμα Μανόλη Τριανταφυλλίδη.
• Vanhoozer, K. J. (1998). Is There a Meaning in This Text? Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.