Learning Outcomes
At the end of the semester the graduate student:
1. Will know the pre-history of the development of Liturgiology as a field of research and study, with special reference to the so-called Byzantine Rite as well as the oeuvre of early scholars in this particular area of concentration.
2. Will be able to assess and use the classical works of the most significant Greek and foreign Liturgiologists.
3. Will understand the basic, contemporary methodological principles of the study of Liturgy («comparative liturgiology») and how it affects the development and evaluation of particular liturgical studies.
4. Will be able to apply the method of comparative liturgiology on historical questions regarding the history and development of Christian worship.
5. Will have the ability to recognize the elements of the contemporary liturgical movement and the themes pertaining to the liturgical controversies between East and West.
6. Will be in a position to compose a book-report on an introductory volume in the field of the history and practice of Worship in the Orthodox Church, and prepare a written and oral presentation on a special topic in Liturgiology.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Scope of the course is for the graduate student: (a) to learn about the historical development of research in Liturgiolgy, with an emphasis on the Byzantine Rite, from the forerunners in the field up to the present, (b) to discover the breadth of issues that the field of Liturgiology is called to study and examine, (c) to know the various branches of the field and the applicable methodologies in relevant research, and (d) to have a greater familiarity with the application of these methodological principles on historical questions as well as the contemporary liturgical practice of the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church.
Six (6) two week units 2 εβδομάδες). One unit for oral presentations. Total: 13 weeks.
1. Academic writing (emphasis on the field of Liturgiology)
a. Electronic (Online) Sources – Databases
b. Bibliographical research
2. Introduction to Liturgiology
a. The branches of Liturgiology
b. Centers for the research of Orthodox Liturgy
3. Forerunners in the study of the Byzantine Rite
a. From Ferrara-Florence to the the Council of Trent
b. After the Council of Trent
4. Liturgical Scholars of the 19th-20th cent.
a. The Liturgical Movement
b. Anton Baumstark and the «Comparative method of liturgical study»
c. Orthodox Liturgical Scholars. Greek and Russian
d. Heterodox Scholars
5. Inter-Orthodox themes in Liturgy
a. Worship in the Russian tradition
b. Divine Worship in the thematology of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church
i. The calendar question
ii. The correction of Liturgical Books
iii. The system of Scriptural lections in Worship
6. Contemporary issues
a. Liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council
b. Liturgical Renewal and Reform in the Orthodox Church
c. Worship, Mass-communication, media and contemporary technology
d. Holy Worship: Inculturalization
7. Student presentations
Liturgics, Comparative methodology, Inter-Orthodox Liturgical Issues, Contemporary Liturgical Themes, the Liturgical Movement, Vatican II
Additional bibliography for study
Ἰωάννου Φουντούλη, Λειτουργική Α΄, Εἰσαγωγή στή Θεία Λατρεία, Θεσσαλονίκη 2000.
Δημητρίου Βακάρου (πρωτοπρ.), Τό Βυζαντινό τυπικό. Δύο κείμενα ἱστορικῆς προσέγγισης ἀπό τούς Robert Taft καί Miguel Arranz, μετάφραση - σχόλια, Θεσσαλονίκη 2003.
Ἀλεξάνδρου Σμέμαν, Ἡ Ἐκκλησία προσευχομένη. Εἰσαγωγή στή Λειτουργική Θεολογία (ἀπόδοση ἀπό τά ἀγγλικά, π. Δημήτριος Β. Τζέρπος), Ἀθήνα 2003.
Krueger, Derek. Liturgical Subjects: Christian Ritual, Biblical Narrative, and the Formation of the Self in Byzantium. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999.
Taft, Robert F., and Gabriele Winkler, eds. Comparative Liturgy Fifty Years After Anton Baumstark (1872-1948): Acts of the International Congress, Rome, 25-29 September 1998. Orientalia Christiana Analecta 265, Rome: Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 2001.
Galadza, Daniel. Liturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Bradshaw, Paul F. Early Christian Worship: A Basic Introduction to Ideas and Practice. London: SPCK, 1998.