Special Themes in Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Hymnography.

Course Information
TitleΕιδικά θέματα βυζαντινής και μεταβυζαντινής υμνογραφίας. / Special Themes in Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Hymnography.
SchoolSocial Theology and Christian Culture
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter
CoordinatorDimosthenis Kaklamanos
Course ID600015776

Programme of Study: Orthodox Theology and Christian Culture

Registered students: 8
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS
Biblical, Patriarchal, Hagiological and Religious StudiesElective Courses belonging to the selected specialization3210
History, Doctrine, Philosophy and ArcheologyElective Courses belonging to the selected specialization3210
Applied TheologyCompulsory Course belonging to the selected specialization (Compulsory Specialization Course)3210

Class Information
Academic Year2023 – 2024
Class PeriodWinter
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours3
Class ID
Course Type 2021
Specialization / Direction
Course Type 2011-2015
Knowledge Deepening / Consolidation
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Greek (Instruction, Examination)
  • English (Examination)
  • French (Examination)
Learning Outcomes
Οn the successful completion of the course, students will: - be exposed to the instrumenta studiorum of Hymnology - reach a level of sophistication in the formation and development of the compilation of the basic hymnological collections - acquire a deeper knowledge of the major and minor hymnographers of the Byzantine and post-Byzantine periods - be able to carry out advanced research into the sources and secondary bibliography - practise in the technique of editing of hymnological texts in accord with the international standards
General Competences
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Work in teams
  • Work in an international context
  • Work in an interdisciplinary team
  • Generate new research ideas
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
The aim of this course is to familiarise students with the use of the Instrumenta Studiorum in Hymnography, the study of the manuscript hymnological collections and the principles and methods of the critical edition of hymnological texts. Moreover, within the framework of this course, a systematic presentation of the most important hymnographers and their work is sought, particular issues of Byzantine and post-Byzantine Hymnography are examined (issues regarding the manuscript tradition of hymnological texts, metrics, authenticity, etc.) and the demands of today’s research are explained. 1. Instrumenta Studiorum of Hymnography: Keys, Dictionaries, editions of hymnological texts – Series in Hymnography 2. Kontakion – Kontakaria 3. The Akathist Hymn: Writer – form – development of genre 4. The Canon: The structure of the Canon – the question of the 2nd ode of Canons 5. The Great Canon: Writer, structure and liturgical use 6. Persons and trends in middle Byzantine Hymnography 7. Stoudite Hymnographers 8. Persons and trends in late Byzantine Hymnography 9. Persons and trends in post-Byzantine Hymnography 10. Manuscript hymnological collections: Palaeographic examination and description 11. Cataloguing of hymnological manuscripts 12. Principles and methods of the critical edition of hymnological texts I 13. Principles and methods of the critical edition of hymnological texts II.
Hymnography, Liturgical Poetry, Critical Edition of Hymnological Texts
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Slide presentations
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
  • Use of ICT in Student Assessment
Use of audio-visual tools in the process of teaching (especially powerpoint and video clips). Supplementary material, additional data and exercises / tests on e-learning. Communication and research counseling through e-mails
Course Organization
Reading Assigment80
Field trips and participation in conferences / seminars / activities21
Written assigments80
Student Assessment
Assignment preparation and oral presentation in class (80%). Active class participation (20%).
Student Assessment methods
  • Written Assignment (Summative)
  • Performance / Staging (Summative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Σημειώσεις, διαθέσιμες στην πλατφόρμα του e-learning
Additional bibliography for study
Θ. Δετοράκης, Κοσμάς ο Μελωδός. Βίος και έργο, [Ανάλεκτα Βλατάδων 28], Θεσσαλονίκη 1979. Θ. Δετοράκης, Ακάθιστος Ύμνος. Έκδοση Κριτική, Ηράκλειο 2021. Α. Ζερβουδάκη., Θεοφάνης ο Γραπτός. Βίος και έργο [Διδ. Διατριβή], Ρέθυμνο 2002. Δ. Κακλαμάνος, Αγίου Νικοδήμου του Αγιορείτου, Κανόνες Οκτώηχοι εις τα Εισόδια της Θεοτόκου. Εισαγωγή - Κριτική Έκδοση, Άγιον Όρος 2017. K. Mητσάκης, Βυζαντινή Υμνογραφία. Από την εποχή της Καινής Διαθήκης έως την Εικονομαχία, Aθήνα 1986. Θ. Κολλυροπούλου, Περι του προβλήματος της β΄ ωδής των Kανόνων, Πάτρα 2012. Ε. Μίνεβα, Το Υμνογραφικό έργο του Μάρκου Ευγενικού, Αθήνα 2004. Α. Παναγιώτου, Ο Ιωάννης Μαυρόπους υμνογράφος του αγίου Νικολάου, [Βυζαντινή Γραμματεία 5], Αθήνα 2008. Ε. Παπαηλιοπούλου-Φωτοπούλου, Ταμείον ανεκδότων Βυζαντινών ασματικών κανόνων, seu Analecta Hymnica Graeca e codicibus eruta Orientis christiani, I: Κανόνες Μηναίων, Αθήναι 1996. Σ. Πασχαλίδης, Το Υμναγιολογικό έργο των Κολλυβάδων. Συμβολή στη μελέτη της αγιολογικής γραμματείας κατά την περίοδο της Τουρκοκρατίας, Θεσσαλονίκη 2007. I. Πολέμης - Ε. Μίνεβα, Βυζαντινά Υμνογραφικά και Αγιολογικά Κείμενα, Αθήνα 2016. N. Σκρέττας, Ασθένεια και θεραπεία στην παρακλητική Υμνογραφία της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας, Θεσσαλονίκη 2018. Δ. Στρατηγόπουλος, Έντυπες Ακολουθίες αγίων. Συλλογή Ντόρης Παπαστράτου, Αθήνα 2007. Δ. Στρατηγόπουλος, Ο Νικόλαος Μαλαξός, πρωτόπαπας Ναυπλίου, και το συγγραφικό του έργο, [Βυζαντινά Κείμενα και Μελέται 47], Θεσσαλονίκη 2008. Δ. Στρατηγόπουλος, Ο ιερός Φώτιος υμνογράφος του αγίου Νικολάου, [Βυζαντινή Γραμματεία 6], Αθήνα 2009. Ε. Τωμαδάκης, Ιωσήφ ο Υμνογράφος. Βίος και έργον, [«Αθηνά, Σύγγραμμα Περιοδικόν της εν Αθήναις Επιστημονικής Εταιρείας, Σειρά Διατριβών και Μελετημάτων 11»], εν Αθήναις 1971. Ν. Τωμαδάκης, Η Βυζαντινή Υμνογραφία και Ποίησις, Θεσσαλονίκη 1993. Ν. Tωμαδάκης, Ρωμανού του Μελωδού Ύμνοι εκδιδόμενοι εκ πατμιακών κωδίκων, τ. 1-4, Αθήναι 1954. Ε. Τωμαδάκης, «Ανέκδοτοι και ελλιπώς εκδεδομένοι ασματικοί Κανόνες της Παρακλητικής παραδιδόμενοι υπό Σιναϊτικών χειρογράφων», ΕΕΒΣ 53 (2007-2009) 49-102. Γ. Φίλιας., Εισαγωγή στην ιστορία και θεολογία των εκκλησιαστικών ύμνων, Αθήνα 2018. F. d'Aiuto, Tre canoni di Giovanni Mauropode in onore di santi militari, [Supplemento n. 13 al «Bolettino dei Classici»], Academia nazionale dei Lincei 1994. L. d'Amelia, Nuovo Ottoeco: Gli otto canoni per i Ss. Apostoli. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento, [Quaderni di Νέα Ῥώμη 6], Roma 2018. Τh. Antonopoulou, «A Kanon on Saint Nicholas by Manuel Philes», RÉB 62 (2004) 197-213. Th. Antonopoulou, «Imperial Hymnography: The Canons Attributed to Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus with the Critical Edition of the First Canon on St John Chrysostom», A. Rhoby – N. Zagklas, Middle and Late Byzantine Poetry: Texts and Contexts [Βυζάντιος, Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, 14], Turnhout 2018, 211-244. M. Cunningham, ''The Reception of Romanos in Middle Byzantine Homiletics and Hymnography, DOP 62 (2008) 251-260. E. Follieri, Un Theotocarion Marciano del sec. XIV (cod. Marciano cl. I, 6), [Altri Testi della Pietà Bizantina I], Roma 1962. A. Giannouli, ''Catanyctic Religious Poetry'', in A. Rigo (ed.), The Minor Genres of Byzantine Theological Literature, Turnhout 2013, p. 86-109. J. Grosdidier de Matons, Romanos le Mélode et les origines de la po¬é¬sie religieuse à Byzance, Paris 1977. D. Kaklamanos, Le Théotokarion de Jean Mauropous et sa tradition manuscrite (XIIème-XVème siècles), Κόσμος 6 (2019) 97-201. R. Krivko, ''Typology of Byzantine Service Menaia of 11th-14th cc.'', Scrinium 7-8 (2011-2012) 3-68. G. Papagiannis, «Κύματι θαλάσσης ...», BZ 98.2 (2005) 465-472. A. Spanos, Codex Lesbiacus Leimonos 11. Annotated Critical Edition of un Unpublished Byzantine Menaion for June [BA 23], Berlin – New York 2010. E. Wellesz, A History of Byznatine Music and Hymnography, Oxford 1962.
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