Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the courses, students will
• Have learned the principles and methods of learning the Psaltic Art through the old musical theory and will thus be able to familiarize themselves with the different periods of musical notation.
• Have knowledge of the theory of the Oktaechia, as it is handed down to us in the New Method of notation, in order to be able to study the various types of music.
• Have known the genres and types of music and what is chanted in the Orthodox Worship.
• Have been informed about Greek rhythm and ancient Greek meters and how these have been included in musical church compositions and also in Secular Music.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Course description
Principles and methods of learning and practicing Byzantine chant are taught according to its notation, the composition styles, the modes and the genres of the compositions, as these were evolved in its historical course.
Analytical organization of the material.
1. Methods of Psaltic Art. Periods of Byzantine notation. The New Method of Chant. Octoechos. Idioms of eight modes. Apechema of modes.
2. The genres and styles of Byzantine composition. Nomenclature and content of music codes (Asmatikon, Psaltikon, Sticherarion, Papadike, Heirmologion). The Anastasimatarion. Kekragaria Mode α΄ and plagal a’.
3. About rhythm and rhythm making. The ancient rhythmic metres. Patriarchal Schools of Psaltic (15th-18th century). Kekragaria. Mode δ΄ and plagal δ΄.
4. The ekphonesis of the readings and the ekphonetic notation. Kekragaria Mode γ’ and grave.
5. The New Method of Chant. Other notation systems. Kekragaria. Mode β΄ and plagal β΄.
6. The Anastasimatarion. The Dogmatic Theotokia. Mode α΄ and plagal a’.
7. The Dogmatic Theotokia. Mode δ΄ and plagal δ΄. The hymns of the Byzantine Liturgy and Divine Worship office.
8. Psalm hymns. Kekragaria, Doches, Prokeimenon, Amomos, Epitaphios Thrinos, Antiphons.
9. The Dogmatic Theotokia. Mode β΄ and plagal β΄. Mode γ’ and grave.
10. The training of choir. Psalm hymns. Chandeliers, Timiotera, Triadika, Magalynaria.
11. Psalm hymns. Trisagios Hymn, Alleluiaria. Cherubic, Communion Hymns.
12. The Sticherarion genre of composition. The Sticherarion. The Eothine Doxastics.
13. Kalophonic Heirmologion, Kratimatario.
Methods of Psaltic Art, Octoechos, The Anastasimatarion, The Sticherarion, Kalophonic Heirmologion, Kratimatario
Additional bibliography for study
Στάθης Θ. Γρ., «Η Βυζαντινή Μουσική στην Λατρεία και στην Επιστήμη», Βυζαντινά 4 (1972).
Στάθης Θ. Γρ., Αναγραμματισμοί και τα Μαθήματα της Βυζαντινής Μελοποιϊας, εκδ. ΙΒΜ, Μελέται 3, Αθήνα 2008.