Learning Outcomes
The students will be capable to describe and analyze the theological teaching of the Cappadocian Fathers.
They will be able to solve the various literatural and theological issues related to the teaching of the above fathers.
Furthermore, they will be able to connect that knowledge of the patristic theology with the work.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Teaching of particular issues of the theology of the Cappadocian Fathers. They are explained and analyzed main theological issues that recorded in the specific patristic literature, as well as are presented views of the above Fathers always in relation to the emerging issues.
1. The contribution of the Cappadocian Fathers in the theological terminology.
2. The knowledge of God according to Basil the Great. Distinction of essence and energies-names.
3. On the Holy Trinity. Distinction of essence and hypostases according to Basil the Great.
4. a)Creation and evolution in Basil the Great. b)Attendance of the scientific colloquium of the P.P.S. of the School, the “Exegeticum-Seminar of Orthodox Hermeneutical Theology”.
5. Theology, Theognosia and theoptia according to Gregory the Theologian.
6. The way of being of the Trinitarian God according to Gregory the Theologian.
7. The Divine Incarnation and the salvation of man at Gregory the Theologian. «Το γαρ απρόσληπτον αθεράπευτον».
8. a)The knowledge of God and the divine names at Gregory of Nyssa. b)Attendance of the scientific colloquium of the P.P.S. of the School, the “Exegeticum-Seminar of Orthodox Hermeneutical Theology”.
9. The God and the creation according to Gregory of Nyssa.
10. The man and the mystery of the divine incarnation at Gregory of Nyssa.
11. Salvation and restoration in the works of Gregory of Nyssa.
12. a)The contribution of Amphilochius of Iconium in the Christological terminology and teaching. b)Attendance of the scientific colloquium of the P.P.S. of the School, the “Exegeticum-Seminar of Orthodox Hermeneutical Theology”.
13. The theological teaching of Asterios of Amaseia.
Additional bibliography for study
1. Π. Χρήστου, Εκκλησιαστική Γραμματολογία τ. Α’, εκδ. Κυρομάνος, Θεσ/νίκη 2005.
2. Ν. Νικολαΐδη, Θέματα Πατερικής Θεολογίας, εκδ. Μέλισσα, Θεσ/νίκη 2009.
3. Π. Χρήστου, Ελληνική Πατρολογία τ. Δ’, εκδ. Κυρομάνος, Θεσ/νίκη 2006.
4. Στ. Παπαδόπουλου, Πατρολογία τ. Β΄, εκδ. Στ. Παπαδόπουλου, Αθήνα 1999.
5. Στ. Παπαδόπουλου, Μεγάλοι Πατέρες της Εκκλησίας, εκδ. Στ. Παπαδόπουλου, Αθήνα 1989.
6. π. Γ. Φλορόφσκυ, Οι Βυζαντινοί Πατέρες του τετάρτου αιώνα, εκδ. Πουρναρά, Θεσ/νίκη 2009.