Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to: a) give information on modern and patristic exegetical and hermeneutical methods of the Old Testament, b) use the instrumenta studiorum for biblical hermeneutics, c) understand and evaluate the range of various hermeneutical approaches; d) put exegetical and research questions and find the answers
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course includes the exegetical analysis of selected passages from the historical, sophiological and prophetic books of the Old Testament from the Septugint in comparison to the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible. It aims to familiarize students with the traditional and modern exegetical methods of the Old Testament, to understand the variety of hermeneutical approaches and and to practice on them.
1. Introduction I: history of research and exegesis of the Old Testament
2. Introduction II: Modern hermeneutical, terminology and methods of OT exegesis.
3. Introduction IIΙ: tools, basic literature and resources (printed & digital) for OT exegesis.
4. The Pentateuch: Contents, issues on history, literature, interpretation and theology
5. Exegesis of Ex. 20:1-17 (Ι)
6. Exegesis of Ex. 20:1-17 (ΙΙ)
7. The prophetic books: Contents, issues on history, literature, interpretation and theology
8. The prophetic critique of Israel's worship. Hosea- Amos
9. The prophetic critique of Israel's worship. Isaiah-Jeremiah
10. Jeremiah and the pseudoprophets (I)
11. Jeremiah and the pseudoprophets (II)
12. Exegesis of Mich. 6:1-8
13. Exegesis of Jer. 38:31-34
Additional bibliography for study
Ι. Παναγόπουλου, Η ερμηνεία της Αγίας Γραφής στην Εκκλησία των Πατέρων, Αθήνα 2010.
Σ. Αγουρίδη, Ερμηνευτική των Ιερών κειμένων, Αθήνα 2008.
Η. Οικονόμου, Κεφάλαια προβληματικής βιβλικής ερμηνευτικής, Αθήνα 1983.
Η. Οικονόμου, Προλεγόμενα εις την ερμηνείαν την Π. Διαθήκης, Δελτίον Βιβλικών Μελετών 3 (1975), 1-30.
Γ. Φλωρόφσκυ, Αγία Γραφή, Εκκλησία, Παράδοσις, Θεσσαλονίκη 1976.