Additional bibliography for study
Βασική βιβλιογραφία
• Skidmore Thomas E., Peter H. Smith and James N. Green (2014), Modern Latin America, 8th edition, Oxford University Press: New York.
• Bulmer-Thomas, Victor (2004), The Economic History of Latin America since Independence, Cambridge University Press: New York.
• Leslie Bethell (ed.), Latin America since 1930: Economy, Society and Politics, Cambridge University Press: New York.
• Susan Eckstein, ed. Power and Popular Protest: Latin American Social Movements, University of California Press.
• Linz, Juan J. and Alfred Stepan (Eds.) (1978) The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes: Latin America, Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore.
• Hagopian, Frances and Scott Mainwaring, (Eds.) (2005) The Third Wave of Democratization in Latin America: Advances and Setbacks, Cambridge University Press: New York.
• Smith, Peter H. (2011), Democracy in Latin America: Political Change in Comparative Perspective, Oxford University Press: New York.
• Cardoso, Fernando H. and Enzo Faletto (1979), Dependency and Development in Latin America, University of California Press
• Madrid, Raúl. L. 2012. The Rise of Ethnic Politics in Latin America. New York, Cambridge University Press.
• Scott Mainwaring and Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, Democracies and Dictatorships in Latin America: Emergence, Survival and Fall (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013)
• Acemoglu, Daron and James Robinson (2012), Why Nations Fail, Crown Publishers: New York
Εξειδικευμένη βιβλιογραφία
• Leslie Bethel, ed. Mexico Since Independence, Cambridge University Press: New York.
• Cuba: A Short History, Leslie Bethell, Ed. Cambridge University Press: New York.
• Paige, Jeffery (1998) Coffee and Power: Revolution and the Rise of Democracy in Central America, Harvard University Press: Cambridge
• Wood, Elisabeth J. (2001), "An Insurgent Path to Democracy: Popular Mobilization, Economic Interests and Regime Transition in South Africa and El Salvador." Comparative Political Studies, 34(8), pp. 862-888.
• Bushnell, David (1993), The Making of Modern Colombia: A Nation in Spite of Itself, University of California Press
• Stepan, Alfred (Ed.) (1973) Authoritarian Brazil, Yale University Press: New Haven.
• Valenzuela, Arturo (1978) The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes: Chile, Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore.
• Karl, Terry (1990), “Dilemmas of Democratization in Latin America.” Comparative Politics, 23(1): pp. 1-21.
• Drake, Paul W. (2009), Between Tyranny and Anarchy: A History of Democracy in Latin America, 1800-2006, Stanford University Press: Stanford.
• Coatsworth, John H. (2008) "Inequality, Institutions, and Economic Growth in Latin America,” Journal of Latin American Studies, 40: 545-569.
• Acemoglu, Daron and James A. Robinson (2006), Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Cambridge University Press: New York.
• Levitsky, Steven and Kenneth M. Roberts, (Eds.) (2011) The Resurgence of the Latin American Left, Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore.
• Fitch, Samuel. 1998. The Armed Forces and Democracy in Latin America. John Hopkins University Press.
• Burgos-Debray, Elisabeth. 1987. I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala New York: Verso, 1987.
• Weyland, K., R. Madrid, et al., eds. 2010. Leftist Governments in Latin America: Successes and Shortcomings. New York, Cambridge University Press.
• Guillermo O’Donnell, Bureaucratic Authoritarianism: Argentina 1966-1973 in Comparative Perspective (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988)
• Francisco Panizza. (ed), Populism and the Mirror of Democracy, (London:Verso, 2005),
• Alex E. Fernández Jilberto and Bargara Hogenboom (eds.) Latin America Facing China: South-South Relations beyond the Washington Consensus, (New York: Bergahn Books: 2010)
• Peter H. Smith, Talons of the Eagle: Latin America, the United States and the World, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008)
• tin America. Latin American Politics and Society, Volume 50: 1
• Paul Cammack , The Resurgence of Populism in Latin America, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Vol. 19, No. 2, Special Issue: Old and New Populism in Latin America (Apr., 2000), pp. 149-161.
• Alejandro Portes and Kelly Hoffman, Latin American Class Structures: Their Composition and Change during the Neoliberal Era, Latin American Research Review, Vol. 38, No. 1 (2003), pp. 41-82.
• Monica Barczak, Representation by Consultation? The Rise of Direct Democracy in Latin America, Latin American Politics and Society, Vol. 43, No. 3 (Autumn, 2001), pp. 37-59
• Jean Grugel and Pia Riggirozzi, ‘Neoliberal Disruption and Neoliberalism’s Afterlife in Latin America: What’s Left of Post-Neoliberalism?’, Critical social policy: a journal of theory and practice in social welfare. Volume 38: Number 3 (2018); pp 547-56
• Edwards, Sebastian. 2010. Left Behind. Latin America and the False Promise of Populism. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
• Mainwaring, Scott (1990), "Presidentialism in Latin America", Latin American Research Review, 25(1): 157-179.
• O’Donnell, Guillermo (1994), “Delegative Democracy,” Journal of Democracy, 5(1).