Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction - Breeding objectives and programmes. Variation of species, populations, stands – research methods, Variation within populations – quantifying genetic variation , genetic diversity in forest trees, factors promoting genetic diversity within populations, mating systems in forest trees, spatial and temporal genetic structure within populations, practical implications of within population diversity, Geographic Variation – Races, Clines and Ecotypes, Provenances – terminology and meaning of the term in genetic improvement. Provenance research, Evolutionary genetics – divergence, speciation, hybridization. Tree Improvement Programs, Scope and structure of tree improvement programs, Breeding cycle, Genetic gain and economic value of tree improvement programs, Base populations – Species, hybrids, Seeds sources and Breeding Zones. Phenotypic mass selection – direct and indirect selection, selection for multiple traits. Methods of genetic gain estimation. Genetic testing – types, objectives and functions of genetic tests, Mating designes, Field designs, Test implementation. Methods for meeting immediate needs for improved seed, Seed Orchards (clonal and seedling Cos), Family Forestry, Clonal Forestry, Genetic diversity considerations in deployment options. Genomics – discovery and functional analysis of genes (structural, functional, comparative genomics, Bioinformatics and databases), Concepts of Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS), Indirect selection based on markers linked to QTLs, Direct selection based on genes coding for target traits, Marker-assisted Breeding, Genetic Engineering – target traits for genetic engineering, direct and indirect gene transfer methods, Regeneration and Transformation, Applications of genetic engineering in forest trees, transgene expression and stability, Commercialization, Regulation and Biosafety.
Geographic variation, Evolutionary Genetics, Breeding Programs, Genetic Trials, Deployment of improved material, Advanced generation breeding strategies, Genomics, Molecular markers, Genetic engineering