Course Content (Syllabus)
Relationship between rangelands, forests and agricultural land and their economic importance, Categories of forage plants, Classification and types of rangelands, Concept of rangeland ecosystem, Structure and function of the rangelands, Ηomeostatic mechanisms, Productivity of rangeland ecosystem: methods for measuring primary production, determination of productivity coefficients, net production and grazing, Importance of rangeland productivity, Biological cycle of forage plants: seasonal growth rates, Physiology of forage plants: photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, water deficit, the significance for rangeland ecosystem of C3 and C4 plants, Effects of grazing on morphogenesis and physiology of rangeland plants, Mechanisms of their resistance to grazing, Effects of grazing on rangeland composition and production, Effects of grazing on soil, rangeland hydrology and water production. Effects of grazing on nutrients of the rangeland ecosystem, Environmental factors affecting rangeland ecosystems, Effects of climate and fire on rangelands, Dynamics of rangeland vegetation. Interactions between forage plant and animals, Mutualism, Competition, Succession and climax stage, Ecological disturbances in rangeland ecosystems, Causes of rangeland disorders, Analysis of disturbances in rangelands: land use, fires, changes in the atmosphere, abandonment, desertification, invasive species etc., Protection of rangeland and ecosystem services of rangeland ecosystems, Protected rangelands, Protection of the natural environment and grazing of animals, Categories of rangeland landscape, Structure of rangeland landscape, Effects of grazing and climate on the rangeland landscape.