Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students will have:
- Familiarize with different stage languages
- Get to know the features of stage narration
- Learn to solve stage problems
- Learn to manage stage space and time
- Learn to collaborate in a creative way
Course Content (Syllabus)
Students are called to react creatively to a play that is prescribed by the teacher, and produce brief individual ‘sketches’, directing the actors and curating themselves the stage design, lighting and music. Individual presentations are thoroughly discussed in class.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Βιβλίο [22921661]: "Οι διάλογοι από την αγορά χαλκού", Μπέρτολτ Μπρέχτ.
Βιβλίο [22921664]: "ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΥΓΧΡΟΝΟΥ ΘΕΑΤΡΟΥ, Κείμενα των Αρτώ, Πιραντέλλο, Σόου, Μπρέχτ, Πισκάτορ, Μπέργκμαν, Τοκβίλ, 'Απια, Γκρέηγκ".
Βιβλίο [1362]: Σαίξπηρ ο σύγχρονός μας, Γιαν Κοττ Λεπτομέρειες
Βιβλίο [1362]: Γιαν Κοττ, "Σαίξπηρ ο σύγχρονός μας".