Course Content (Syllabus)
The course examines the optical phenomena that affect the functioning of visual perception of the theatrical space. More specifically it deals with the elements of visual organisation (form, colour, texture, prospect), concerning the real data of theatrical space and the relations that are developed between the scenographic design and the scenic space. The second part of the course looks at the kinds of theatrical space (open-closed, large-small theaters) and the categories of spectacle derived from them.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Anne Surgers, Σταθμοί της σκηνογραφίας του σύγχρονου θεάτρου [86194173]
Χρήστος Αθανασόπουλος, Προβλήματα στις εξελίξεις του σύγχρονου θεάτρου [94644072]
Πέτρος Μαρτινίδης, Μεταμορφώσεις του θεατρικού χώρου [10329]
Μαρία Κονομή, Μοντέρνα και σύγχρονη σκηνογραφία. Ορόσημα και εξελίξεις. [102073318]