Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. develop in the first place the ability to critically perceive and record the semantic processes related to the use of light in the work of art
2. understand the possibilities of combining traditional artistic practices and modern multifaceted artistic methods in the field of color
3. to strengthen the objective conditions for the creation of a solid work of art
4. get in touch with the current advanced artistic research in the field and with some of the methodologies of modern color painting
5. develop and use personalized research tools
6. combine the knowledge that results from the artistic research within the workshop but also that from their personal quests
Course Content (Syllabus)
Light, image, reality.
Starting from the empirical assumption that the continuity of shapes in Nature is constantly interrupted by the effects of light, the three students are taught to treat the painting surface as a rhythmic ensemble based on the appropriate choice of color levels organized in a logical way.
In a special seminar, the workshop proposes ways for practical and theoretical in-depth research on how we experience the effect of light on our daily experience and our artistic work. Students will have the opportunity to delve into a range of color approaches that have already been taught, such as: "visual" and "tactile" perception of color, symbolic / spiritual theories of color and light, and the best known theories of modernity about the so-called "optical color".
In the studio, they will spend time on a series of exercises that combine the acquired knowledge of the expressive, symbolic, scientific and cultural aspects of color perception with their own expressive efforts using mainly canvas or paper, acrylic dye and artificial light. . Lectures and guest speakers will broaden the discussion about color and its relationship to light. And this course - seminar emphasizes group criticism and encourages enhanced participation and critical approach - discussion.
Introduction to the painting composition of the image: This special seminar introduces the students to the basic elements of painting (as a special now "language") but also to those of its related methodologies, as well as to the students to learn how to start an individualized research on the subject of the tasks and action plans (projects) assigned to them but also how to process the meanings they want to invest in their work.