Learning Outcomes
Students in the course:
* Understand the process and stages of an audiovisual production.
* They will know the international pioneers in animation and the important directors of World Cinema.
* They will understand the technique of using a camera and its movements, shooting angles, the size of the shots.
* Describe a script and turn it into film text, draw a storyboard.
* They will clarify the technique of highlighting history through editing and the concept of rhythm in time.
* They will perceive the differences between linear and nonlinear storytelling in the production of their artistic work.
* Develop basic technical skills in editing technique.
* They will practice with the digital capabilities-tools of the editing program, the tonal and color processing of the digital video image, the use of filters and the introduction of titles.
* They will present and support theoretically their produced individual work to the team.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Students come into contact with the process and stages of an audiovisual production.
They are analyzed, the use of the script and its structure, the decoupage and its analysis into scenes. The use of digital cameras and specialized video editing software, optical modules and the use of optical binders. Also the use of camera and its movements, shooting angles, the size of the shots, basic lighting issues, and shooting etc.L. Students are taught the post-production techniques of digital video such as video digitization, image and audio file types, image and audio file compressions, editing program tools, Editing, tonal and color processing of digital video image and the use of basic filters, and the introduction of titles.
Students are introduced to the principles of animation (script, direction, storyboard, editing and post-production) and the main types of editing are presented.
It also analyzes the aesthetics of cinema and its evolution, through Classical Movements and international avant-garde movements of the Moving Image by filmmakers and visual artists and finally analyzes the work of important directors of World Cinema.
Through research and exercises conducted by students, they delve into the concepts of time and rhythm. They understand the differences between linear and nonlinear storytelling, become familiar with special techniques for creating and processing digital images, and learn to use media in combination.
The presentations of artists continue, the screenings of film works, as well as works of video art and digital art.
Bibliography is suggested by the lab's lecturers.
Emphasis is placed on collaborative production of artistic work.
Students present papers at regular intervals and have discussions on them.
animation, picture, script, direction, storyboard, editing, camera, film, studio