Learning Outcomes
The development of designed and colored print outs, the evolution of aptitudes and supervision of visual issues that are exercised in engraving and printing in correlation, on one hand, with the theory of History, the aesthetics of art and, on the other hand, in a dialog with the contemporary art. The understanding of the need of expanding and implementing further morph-plastic procedures, that are characterized by the identity-giving results in the art discourse of the students. Enriching the substantial dialog teacher – students, cultivating a spirit of free research for their conquest of quality, polymorphism and the variety of their aesthetic directions.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Through programmed workshop exercises, from observation or memory, its aimed the deepening of the techniques of etching and usage of the different materials, from which the matrixes (plates) derive, having as a goal the final synthesis of the visual image, implementing the aesthetics of black- white and color during the print out. Introduction in lithography. Presentations and lectures from scientists and artists on specific issues. The organization of thematic exhibitions of students.