Course Content (Syllabus)
Color exercises are carried out from natural and non-natural standard with various analog materials (pastel, oil, acrylic, etc.) and an introduction to artistic research is made with the use of New Media.
Color exercises aim at the creative use of painting media (mainly acrylic) and understanding the use of light and color to clearly represent the subject. Emphasis is placed on the study of paintings by important artists. Exercises with analog materials are performed on surfaces of different sizes.
Digital media exercises focus on the basic processing and synthesis of digital images (digitization images and vector graphics, image analysis, file type, file compression, color systems, use of scanner and digitization plate, etc.L.).
Taught, the modern version of the technique of collage as a creative expression. The visual approaches by artists (Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Hamilton, Hannah Höch, Raoul Hausmann, Dada etc.) in contemporary art that through mixed technique compose works using painting, photography and sculpture (Photomontage, photocollage, assemblage, objects trouvés, Tableaux, room size environments etc.).
Film screenings and presentations of the work of artists of the whole range of visual arts, documentary and photographic material screenings take place every week. Bibliography is suggested by the lab's lecturers.
Visits are made to exhibitions in art venues.
Students present papers at regular intervals and have discussions on them.