Course Information
FacultySocial and Economic Sciences
SchoolJournalism and Mass Communications
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate, 2nd / Postgraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter
CoordinatorAndreas Veglis
Course ID600000925

Programme of Study: Master of Arts in Digital Media, Communication and Journalism-R

Registered students: 13
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS
European JournalismElective Courses1110
Digital Media, Culture and CommunicationElective Course belonging to the selected specialization (Elective Specialization Course)1110
Risk Communication and Crisis JournalismElective Courses1110

Class Information
Academic Year2023 – 2024
Class PeriodWinter
Faculty Instructors
Class ID
Course Type 2021
Specific Foundation
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • English (Instruction, Examination)
General Prerequisites
Learning Outcomes
Analyze the ICT evolution that led to the technological convergence and the New Media. Distinguish the basic characteristics of New Media. Understand the internet technology and services with emphasis in those that are utilized by media organizations. Explain the technological evolution, the similarities and the differences between traditional, electronic, digital and New Media. Comprehend the technologies and the characteristics of sound and image in digital and New Media. Analyze as benchmarks best practices of New Media usage in media organizations.
General Competences
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Adapt to new situations
  • Make decisions
  • Work autonomously
  • Work in an interdisciplinary team
  • Design and manage projects
Course Content (Syllabus)
New media refers to live and on-demand access to content anytime, anywhere, from a wide variety of digital devices, as well as interactive user feedback, creative participation and community formation around the media content. This course examines issues related to information and communication technologies with emphasis on those related to the media industry and the new media concept. More specifically it examines the technological evolution, the digital convergence, as well as, the Internet and its services. Also, emphasis is given on digital technologies of audio and image/video, the new environments of audiovisual content production and consumption, along with the technologies of social networking (Web 2.0) and the semantic web services (Web 3.0 and beyond) that form the modern environment of communication and knowledge at all levels. These issues are examined from a technological perspective but also in terms of use by media professionals. Special cases studies related to digital tools and new media are also discussed.
new media, technology evolution, τεχνολογική σύγκλιση, web 2.0, web 3.0, information technologies, audiovisual media
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Slide presentations
  • Video lectures
  • Podcast
  • Audio
  • Multimedia
  • Interactive excersises
  • scientific papers
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
  • Use of ICT in Student Assessment
Use of powerpoint during the teaching of the course. Provision of additional material through the platform (moodle). Communication with students via email and the communication tools provided by the platform. Submission of assignments and presentations on the platform
Course Organization
Reading Assigment45
Written assigments160
Online research40
Student Assessment
Participation & Presentation - 40% Presentations and verbal contributions by all students are essential. It is expected that students attend each class, do the required readings in advance of classes and participate actively in group discussions. Students will make a conference-type presentation (15’ & ppt) of their final essay, in advance of its submission, aimed at fostering group discussion and using feedback to revise/improve final version. Essay – 60% Each student will write an essay (roughly 5.000 words, incl. references). Essay topics, relevant to the areas covered by the course, are formulated and suggested by the students. A page-long summary of the proposed essay topic must be submitted for approval by the end of the 6th week of the course, at the latest. Essay submission is due by the e-learning systems by the end of the semester.
Student Assessment methods
  • Written Assignment (Formative, Summative)
  • Oral Exams (Formative, Summative)
  • Performance / Staging (Formative, Summative)
Additional bibliography for study
Dewdney, A. (2013). The digital media handbook. London: Routledge. Dimoulas, C.A. (2020). Multimedia, in Merskin Debra and Golson, J. Geoffrey (Eds.). The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society. Dimoulas, C., Veglis, A., & Kalliris, G. (2014). Application of Mobile Cloud-Based Technologies in News Reporting: Current Trends and Future Perspectives, in J. Rodrigues, K. Lin, & J. Lloret (Eds.) Mobile Networks and Cloud Computing Convergence for Progressive Services and Applications (pp. 320-343). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. Dimoulas C. A. (2018), Machine Learning, in Bruce Arrigo (Ed.), “The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy”, Golson Media. Flew, T. (2014). New media. South Melbourne, Vic.: Oxford University Press. Jeremy Hunsinger and Theresa M. Senft. 2013. The Social Media Handbook (1st ed.). Routledge, New York, NY, 10001. Katsaounidou A., Dimoulas, C. & Veglis, A., (2018). The transforming media landscape, in Katsaounidou A., Dimoulas, C. & Veglis, A., (Eds.) Cross-Media Authentication and Verification: Emerging Research and Opportunities, IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-5592-6. Matsiola M., Dimoulas C., Kalliris G., Veglis A. (2015). Augmenting User Interaction Experience through Embedded Multimodal Media Agents in Social Networks, in Dr. John Sahlin (Ed.), Social Media and the Transformation of Interaction in Society, IGI Global, chapter 10, pp. 188-209, doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8556-7. Eugenia Siapera and Andreas Veglis (eds) (2012), The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Online Journalism, Blackwell Publishing. Peter Norton (2008) Introduction to Computers, McGraw Hill Silverman, G. (Ed.) (2015), Verification Handbook, European Journalism Centre, available at
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