Learning Outcomes
This course is the continuation of the course Υ-ΓΛΩ-02. Her aim is to make students able to: understand the main points or information in an oral text of a medium level of difficulty on various topics, even if the text contains abstract meanings or technical information encountered in everyday life; produce oral texts on different topics, developing arguments to support their view; can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers or non-native speakers with an excellent command of the French language possible with little or no difficulty for either party; select information related to their communication objective from one or more oral texts in Greek to produce a relatively complex discourse in French, or vice versa.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Development of comprehension skills: sociolinguistic approach of various oral texts. Development of production skills: focus on the implementation of the language system (pronunciation, intonation, lexical and grammatical accuracy).
Activities and exercises up to B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR): Oral Comprehension, Oral Production, Oral Interaction, Oral Mediation, Language Awareness.
Unit 1: Introduction
Unit 2: Set of learning activities 1
Unit 3: Set of learning activities 2
Unit 4: Set of learning activities 3
Unit 5: Set of learning activities 4
Unit 6: Set of learning activities 5
Unit 7: Set of learning activities 6
Unit 8: Set of learning activities 7
Unit 9: Set of learning activities 8
Unit 10: Set of learning activities 9
Unit 11: Set of learning activities 10
Unit 12: Set of learning activities 11
Revision of all units
sociolinguistic approach, pronunciation, intonation, lexical accuracy, grammatical accuracy