Learning Outcomes
• Acquisition of a first experience relevant to the work/ educational area.
• Development of familiarity with the reality of foreign language teaching in public education.
• Assimilation and application of scientific theoretical knowledge through the process of professional internship.
• Development of professional awareness.
• Development of skills in teaching / learning process.
• Application of strategies in teaching / learning process.
• Development of familiarity with the individual activities associated directly with teaching (such as course preparation, planning of educational activities, design of tools for the evaluation of student achievement, collaboration with teachers of French and other specialties, participation in meetings, conferences etc.).
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course aims to familiarize university students with the reality of foreign language teaching to teenagers (in public and private schools of Primary and Secondary Education), and adults (Foreign Language Schools, Adult Education Centers). This is achieved through practice by attending the educational/pedagogical procedure in class (mentoring) as well as supervised and parallel teaching. The course actually requires teaching attendance, teaching material production, and its application in virtual (microteaching and practice of teaching skills) or in real class. The Practice Programme aims to the promotion of didactic, pedagogical and educational research. Especially, it is attempted the conduction between the theoretical knowledge, acquired in the previous semesters, and the practical application in class as well the familiarity with the educational reality.
Additional bibliography for study
Beacco, J.-C. & Lieutaud, S. (2000). Les dimensions culturelles des enseignements de langue. Paris : Hachette.
Bérard, E. (1991). L’approche communicative. Théorie et pratiques. Paris : CLE International.
Conseil de l’Europe. (2001). Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues. Apprendre, enseigner, évaluer. Paris : Didier.
Conseil de l’Europe. (2018). Cadre européen commun de référence sur les langues. Apprendre, enseigner, évaluer. Volume complémentaire avec des nouveaux descripteurs.
Courtillon, J. (2003). Élaborer un cours de FLE. Paris : Hachette.
Cuq, J.-P. & Gruca, I. (2005). Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde. Grenoble : PUG.
Moirand, S. (1990). Enseigner à communiquer en langue étrangère. Paris : Hachette.
Niquet, G. (1991). Enseigner le français. Pour qui ? Comment ? Paris : Hachette.
Tagliante, C. (2006). La classe de langue. Paris : CLE International.
Tagliante, C. (2005). L’évaluation et le Cadre européen commun. Paris : CLE International.
Αρβανίτης, Π. & Κιγιτσιόγλου-Βλάχου, Αικ. (2013). Η Πράξη Λόγου στα ψηφιακά περιβάλλοντα. Αθήνα. Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση.
Τοκατλίδου, Β. (2003). Γλώσσα, επικοινωνία και γλωσσική εκπαίδευση. Αθήνα. Πατάκης.