Learning Outcomes
The aim of this course is to make students able of comprehension, mediation (note taking, reformulation) and production of scientific texts.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Identification of the characteristics of scientific discourse – Note-taking – Formulation, reformulation – Typographic standards – Structure, consistency, cohesion.
Unit 1: Introduction
Unit 2: Identification of the characteristics of scientific discourse
Unit 3: Identification of the characteristics of scientific discourse (continuation)
Unit 4: Note-taking
Unit 5: Note-taking (continuation)
Unit 6: Formulation, reformulation
Unit 7: Formulation, reformulation (continuation)
Unit 8: Typographic standards
Unit 9: Typographic standards (continuation)
Unit 10: Structure, consistency, cohesion
Unit 11: Structure, consistency, cohesion (continuation)
Unit 12: Structure, consistency, cohesion (continuation)
Revision of all units