Learning Outcomes
Students after completing the course will:
1. know the basic dimensions and characteristics of information
2. understand how the information is quantified and measured
3. know the taxonomy of theological information and will be able to modulate it
4. have specialized in information search methodology
5. be able to develop (theological) information processing processes
Course Content (Syllabus)
The field of Informatics has opened up a vast horizon of new potentials and perspectives for all other areas, as well as for theological studies. The core of IT is information. This course focuses on the study of Information Theory and the methodologies associated with information; finally, on the information processing processes. The field of interest of theological information consists of areas where the principles of general information are strictly applied, as well as areas where specific techniques or a combination of techniques dedicated to theological information are required. The general and special (digital) information principles complete the course.
Evaluation of the following aspects:
Collaboration, effort, diligence, perception: during the continuous laboratory interaction with the student.
Skills, intelligence, accuracy, correctness: during the process of the laboratory exams. Willingness, hard work, work diligently, policy: during t0e execution of wider optional projects