Learning Outcomes
Participants will become familiar with the fundamental definitions of forest and forest area, as they have evolved from a technical and legislative point of view. They will approach the Forest Cadastre and the basic principles of its operation. They will become familiar with forest maps, both in their conceptual definition, approaching them from their preparation to their validation and the objection procedure; and with forest database applications in general.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The subject of the course is: introduction to the Forest Cadastre. (Historical review of the Forest Cadastre. History of the cadastral cadastre. Problems of forest cadastre compilation and consequences). Conceptual definitions of forest cadastre. (Review of laws related to Forest Cadastre. Forest maps from preparation to ratification. Definition of forest and forest area - Forest ecosystems. Forest maps - Forest register - Management maps - Classification measures). Technical specifications. (Forest maps; Forest tables). Forest database applications. Spatial planning of forest areas. Proposals to accelerate the preparation of the Forest Cadastre.