Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course students are expected to:
- Understand the importance and role of technologies in language education / training
- be aware of the different types of software and online services intended for language education / training, identify and analyze their features and, evaluate them, in order to be able to use in classroom
- be able to produce content suitable for language learning/training, using available internet services (blogs, wikis, podcasts, presentation tools)
- be able to acquire a digital presence by creating personal websites
- be able to create small-scale websites that can be used for teaching purposes
- be able to use the above technologies in classroom to teach language (and other) subjects, using the appropriate pedagogical techniques
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course focuses on modern internet technologies and services and their use in language education / training.
Among the topics considered are:
- The use and role of technologies in foreign language teaching
- Multimedia applications and online foreign language learning services
- Language learning multimedia software. Evaluation of selected language learning CDs/DVDs software and online language resources
- Web 2.0 and content production services (Blogs, wikis, podcasts, presentation tools)
- Educational social networks
- Blogs
- Digital presence and creation of personal websites
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Δημούλας, Χ., 2015. Τεχνολογίες συγγραφής και διαχείρισης πολυμέσων. [ηλεκτρ. βιβλ.]
Αθήνα:Σύνδεσμος Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών.
Διαθέσιμο στον Κάλλιπο: Βιβλίο [320332], https://repository.kallipos.gr/handle/11419/4343
Εισαγωγή στην πληροφορική
Θεωρία και πράξη - 2η έκδοση
Alan Evans, Kendall Martin, Mary Anne Poatsy
Επιμέλεια Γιάννης Σταματίου
Κωδικός στον Εύδοξο 77109607
Bibliographie française
Crowder, D. (2010). Creer un site Web. Editions First, Paris, France. ISBN 9782754016452