Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will have:
• a comprehensive understanding of the environmental and energy characteristics of the urban environment,
• become sensitive to the contemporary problems of environmental degradation of the built environment,
• an understanding of the necessity of the environmental design of the urban space,
• an understanding of the parameters that affect the environmental design of outdoor spaces,
• an understanding of the above parameters through the study / environmental analysis of realised urban regeneration projects.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Environmental Design II analyzes and examines:
• the bioclimatic approach to urban/landscape planning and design, emphasising the creation of thermal, visual and acoustic comfort conditions,
• the factors of urban microclimate formation and the scope for intervention: vegetation, materials, water, wind, solar radiation, sun protection,
• the methods and regulations for environmental protection and spatial planning, as well as the strategic choices in national and international scope/legislation, which define the framework for the implementation of environmental planning and design.
sustainability, urban climate, urban heat island, landscape, outdoor spaces
Additional bibliography for study
Brophy V O'Dowd C., Bannon R., Goulding J., Lewis 0., ( 2000) . Sustainable Urban Design. Energy Research Group, European Commission Energy Publication, Ireland.
Fathy Hassan (1986). Natural Energy and Vernacular Architecture. The University of Chicago Press
Givoni B. (1997). Climate considerations in building and urban design. pp.343-345.
Schittich C (Ed) (2003). Solar Architecture. Strategies Visions Concepts. Edition Detail. Birkhauser
Knowles R L. (2003) The solar envelope: Its meaning for energy and buildings. Energy and Buildings, vol.35, pp.15- 25.
Lopez C., Adnot J., Santamouris M., Klitsikas N., Alvarez S., Sanchez F.. Managing the Growth of the Demand for Cooling in Urban Areas and Mitigating the Urban Heat Island Effect. www. cenerg.ensmp.fr
Νικολοπούλου Μ. επιμ., ( 2004) Σχεδιασμός Υπαίθριων Αστικών Χώρων με Βιοκλιματικά Κριτήρια, Κ.Α.Π.Ε- RUROS •
Oke, T. R (1992). Boundary layer climates. Routledge ed, NY.