Learning Outcomes
In this course students are expected to learn about the concept of economic policy. The basic features of economic policy for quantitative and qualitative economic policy, the outline of economic policy and restrictions of the economic systems. They will learn various ways of quantitative data collection and practice on the analysis and interpretation of quantitative data for the conduct of economic policy.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The concept of economic policy. The key features of the economic policy - Quantitative and qualitative economic policy - The limitations of economic policy- The effectiveness of economic policy instruments -
The concept of consistent economic policy. Introduction to the concept and key economic policy objectives through empirical applications- The concept of optimal economic policy.
Additional bibliography for study
Gujarati & Porter «Οικονομετρία: Αρχές και Εφαρμογές, 5η έκδοση, εκδόσεις Τσιόλα.
Κάτος , Α. «Οικονομετρία. Θεωρία και εφαρμογές», Κεφάλαια 3 και 11, εκδόσεις Ζυγός.1.
Cecchetti, S., Madhusudan, M., and Zampolli, F. (2011). The real effects of debt. BIS Working Papers 352 Bank for International Settlements.
Herndon, T., Ash, M., and Pollin, R. (2013). Does High Public Debt Consistently Stifle Economic Growth? A Critique of Reinhart and Rogoff. Political Economy Research Institute Working paper series, No 322.
Panizza, U και Presbitero, A. (2012). Public Debt and economic growth: Is there a causal effect? MoFiR working paper n° 65.
Reinhart, C. and K. Rogoff, (2010). Growth in time of debt, American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, n° 100, 573–8.