Learning Outcomes
After attending the lesson students will be able:
• to create exercises that can be easily carried out in everyday school life
• to choose theatrical and creative writing techniques with the aim of creating school performances
• to choose theatrical and creative writing techniques with the aim of creating special performances for the three big historical events that are celebrated in all schools
• to get used to creating drills and exercises for the special themes that are assigned by the Ministry of Education during the “creative week”
• to combine theatre and writing with other forms of Art (painting, photography, music, cinema)
• to create drills and special exercises for visits to museums, archaeological sites etc
• to get familiar with digital story telling and video poetry
Course Content (Syllabus)
This lesson is carried out through the basic principles of a workshop. Students get acquainted with creative writing techniques combined to a performance, exhibiting examples, ideas and activities. As the students have already got in touch with the theory of Pedagogics they go on to “learning by doing”.
To be more specific:
In the beginning the basic elements are being introduced (creative writing, digital mediums, other forms of Art). All drills and excercises from now on will be carried out through the above.
Moving forward, students will create school celebrations, and they will be able to carry them out whenever needed in school reality.
Specifically we focus on the three big celebrations (October 28th, November 17th and the 25th of March).
After that we will proceed to show how we can apply ideas and techniques to school visits We are going to work on the example of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki.
By the end we are going to explain how students can write a theatrical play (collaborative creation) in any level.
Last thing that is going to be mentioned is digital story telling and video poetry.
theatrical activities, creative writing, school performace, school visits, digital story telling
Additional bibliography for study
Συμεωνάκη, A. (2012). Δημιουργική γραφή και θέατρο – θεατρική γραφή και δημιουργία: προσεγγίζοντας την διδασκαλία της δημιουργικής γραφής στην δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση μέσω της συγγραφής θεατρικού κειμένου, KEIMENA, 15.
Συμεωνάκη, A. (2019). Η συνέργεια των Τεχνών στη δημιουργία σχολικής παράστασης.