Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module the students will:
1. Know the basic pedagogic theories and the influential theorists of education who determined the field of Theatre in Education.
2. Know and be able to combine the work of artists and theatre practitioners who influenced the field of Theatre in Education.
3. Acknowledge the pedagogic value of Theatre in Education for the aesthetic, the personal and the social development of children and young people.
4. Be able to combine the approaches - methodologies of Theatre in Education with the respective educational and theatrical schools - theories from which they originate.
5. Understand and recognize the educational function of theatre as a field of a) social and personal development b)creative and experienced process of learning c) group and community development.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The lesson focuses equally on pedagogic function of the structural elements of theatre and on the key eduacational theories that influenced the field of Theatre in Education. In this context, the work of outstanding theorists Such as Vygotsky, Bruner, Freire etc. will be viewed in relation with the basic elements and aims of theatre education. At the same time, the genres and the schools of theatre (such as Stanislavski, Brecht, Brook) that had a great impact on the field of educational drama will be also examined from a pedagogic - educational perspective.
Lessons' plan:
Lesson 1: Introduction to the educational infrastructures: agenda - aims, curriculum, pedagogy, evaluation.
Lesson 2: Meta-dramatic theatre and theatre in education: interactions and inlfuences
Lesson 3: Pedagogy I: Bruner and Vygotsky.
Lesson 4: Pedagogy II: Freire and critical eduaction.
Lesson 5: Pedagogy and Approaches - Methodologies of Theatre in Education.
Lesson 6: Stanislavsky, Brecht, Brook and Theatre in Education Στανισλάβσκι, Μπρεχτ και Μπρούκ στο Θέατρο στην Εκπαίδευση.
Lesson 7: Boal and Theatre in Education: the social aspect.
Lesson 8: Curriculum and evaluation: form and paradigms in theatre and drama.
Lesson 9: Contemporary Literacies (social, digital etc) and Theatre in Education.
Lesson 10: Theory in practice: planning theatre curriculum.
Lesson 11: Theory in practice: planning theatre projects and workshops.
Lesson 12: Group work presentations.
Lesson 13: Group work presentations.
Drama/Theatre in Education, pedagogy, curriclum, evaluation, Theatre-in-Education (TiE) projects
Additional bibliography for study
Στανισλάφσκι, Κ. (1999) Πλάθοντας ένα ρόλο, μτφ Νίκας, Αθήνα: Γκόνης
Frank, A. και Jones, K. (1999) “Lessons from Brecht: a Brechtian approach to drama, texts and education” στο Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 4:2, 181-200.
Bernstein, B. (1973) «Περί ταξινόμησης και περιχάραξης της εκπαιδευτικής γνώσης» στο Bernstein, B. Παιδαγωγικοί Κώδικες και Κοινωνικός Έλεγχος, μτφρ Σολομών Ιωσήφ (1991), (2η έκδοση) Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια (σ. 63-108)
Apple, M. και King, N. (2005) «Οικονομία και έλεγχος στην καθημερινή σχολική ζωή» στο Ιδεολογία και αναλυτικά προγράμματα, μτφ Δαρβέρης Τάσος, Θεσσαλονική: Παρατηρητής (σ. 95-129)
Freire, P. (1998) “There is no teaching without learning” στο Pedagogy of Freedom, London: Rowman & Littlefield (σ. 29-49)
Gardner, H. (2011) The Unschooled Mind, New York: Basic Books (σ. xiii-1, 91-155)
Bruner, J., (2006) In Search of Pedagogy, Vol. 1, London and New York: Routledge (σ. 57-67)
Όλα τα βιβλία του Υπουργείου Παιδείας για όλες τις τάξεις υπάρχουν στην ιστοσελίδα: http://dschool.edu.gr/
Δίκτυο για το θέατρο στην εκπαίδευση/ http://www.theatroedu.gr
IDEA/ http://www.idea-org.net
New Theatre Quarterly (NTQ)/ http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=NTQ
Theatre Research International (University of Mainz/ Institute für Theaterwissenschaft)/ www.geisteswissenschaften.fu-berlin.de/we07/index.html
Journal of Education for Teaching: International Research and Pedagogy/ http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjet20/current#.VMXuzi7OXIU
London Drama/ www.londondrama.org
National Drama Magazine/ www.nationaldrama.co.uk
Australian Script Center/ www.ozscript.org
Lowdown/ Australian Youth Performing Arts Magazine/ http://carclew.com.au/lowdown
International Journal of Education and the Arts/ www.ijea.org