Course Content (Syllabus)
Scenography Workshop II: Scenographic applications-Synthesis
The workshop includes activities that have synthetic character, starting with the versions of scenographic design, as the theatre play dictates them. Students are called to apply the basic principles of composition in a fantastic environment. In the neutral space of the stage, students should attribute the atmosphere and the meanings of the place, in relation to the scenic action and practice. At the beginning of the semester, students are given the theatre text and the standards of the application area. The final result is applied in real size according to the sketches and models prepared during the semester.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Βιβλίο [22768136]: Το σχέδιον ή το χρώμα, Νίκος Εγγονόπουλος, Μαρία Γυπαράκη
Βιβλίο [68369536]: Προβλήματα στις εξελίξεις του σύγχρονου θεάτρου, Χρήστος Γ. Αθανασόπουλος
Βιβλίο [10329]: Μεταμορφώσεις του θεατρικού χώρου, Πέτρος Μαρτινίδης
Additional bibliography for study
1.Νίκος Εγγονόπουλος- Μαρία Γυπαράκη, Το σχέδιον ή το χρώμα, [22768136]
2.Magdalena Droste, Μπάουχαουζ 1913-1933 [39515]
3.Pamela Howard, Τι είναι σκηνογραφία [15169]
4.Φαίδων Πατρικαλάκης, Ιστορία της σκηνογραφίας τμ2 [2421]