Learning Outcomes
It is expected that students in the framework of the course will
• Think and decide the aesthetics and practice of construction
• Learn various ways of data collection and research of recycling materials
• Meet the basic mask technique
• Become familiar with the basic materials and construction tools
• Cultivate their observation
• Become familiar and cooperate with other theatrical specialties
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course is devoted to the art of design and manufacturing (choice of materials, construction techniques and innovations) theatre objects of all kinds, as well as theatrical mask construction – facet. The materials used are collected from the environment is patchy with emphasis on recycling materials. Through this course, students learn various techniques and come into direct contact with materials, constructing individual objects, which are subsequently used in performances of the theatrical Department
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1.Επιλογή Συγγραμμάτων ◦Βιβλίο [17300]: Η σκηνογραφία του ελληνικού θεάτρου 1930-1960, Κοντογιώργη Αναστασία Λεπτομέρειες
2.Επιλογή Συγγραμμάτων ◦Βιβλίο [44013]: Το ελληνικό παιχνίδι, Αναγνωστάκης Ηλίας,Αργυριάδη Μαρία,Γκουγκουλή Κλειώ,Καρακατσάνη Δέσποινα,Κυπριώτης Σπύρος Δ.,Λαμπροπούλου Άννα,Μπουλώτης Χρήστος Λεπτομέρειες