Learning Outcomes
The goal is the students to get familiar with the art of Stage Lighting, the history, the principles, the functions, the tools and the vocabulary of stage lighting. A fundamental goal is to learn to focus their attention on light and shadow, to see, that is, the chiaroscuro.
To acquire a first impression of the different styles and to start recognizing the manner in which the stage light relates to the other arts of the theatrical performance. To be able to carry out a creative analysis of the lighting ofa theatrical performance but also to transfer the chiaroscuro of a painting on the stage.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Basic principles and historical elements of the art of stage lighting.
Although it is mainly a theoretical based course, there are such exercises given in class that give to the students the possibility to obtain some hands-on experience and apply in a simple way the basic principles in order to better comprehend them.
Additional bibliography for study
Ποταμιάνος, Ι., Τέχνη και Φως, Εκδόσεις Αντιύλη, Ραφήνα
Albers, J., Η αλληλεπίδραση των Χρωμάτων, Εκδόσεις Αντιύλη, Ραφήνα.