Learning Outcomes
Βy the end of the course, students are expected to:
‒ have learned how to interpret texts different in style and form
‒ to perform written texts using improvisation
‒ to explore texts through body movements
‒ to gradually construct dramatic characters and roles
‒ to achieve precision in their body language as well as psychological/emotional clarity
Course Content (Syllabus)
During this semester students are being trained in a specific system of reducing their expression skills and put less but compact energy in their acting. They will be asked to practice these new acting principles into the creation of a multi stage production where they will have to manage all taught training exercises such as: a. self-observation, b. focus on breathe function, c. economy of words, d. spot and control of emotions, e. stage alert, f. interaction with other participants in stage present.
In this semester students will wok upon modern greek theatre and in particular upon awarded play " 170 square/ Moonwalk".
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Βιβλίο [24022]:Για τον ηθοποιό, Chekhov Michael.
Bιβλίο [41964888]: Η ΤΕΧΝΗ ΤΟΥ ΤΩΡΑ, Mnouchkine, Ariane.
Βιβλίο [33156208]:Η δουλειά του ηθοποιού 1. Βίωμα, Konstantin Stanislavsky.
Βιβλίο [33156212]: Η δουλειά του ηθοποιού 2. Ενσάρκωση, Konstantin Stanislavsky.
Βιβλίο [16844]:Ο ηθοποιός ανάμεσα στη σκηνή και στην οθόνη
Additional bibliography for study
-Ζarrilli, P., Fischer-Sorgenfrei, C., McConachie, B. και Williams, G. J. (επιμ.), Theatre
Histories: An Introduction, Routledge, Λονδινο 2010.
-Zarrilli Phillip, Psychophysical Acting: an intercultural Approach after Stanislavski,
Routledge, Λονδίνο 2008.
-Zarrilli Phillip (επιμ.), Acting Reconsidered: Theories and Practices, Routledge Λονδίνο
-Zarrilli Phillip (επιμ.), Asian Martial Arts in Actor Training, Center for South Asian Area
Studies 1993.