Course Content (Syllabus)
Ιn Movement - Dance IV, students start working mainly on movement and sound & speech improvisations, implementing their knowledge while drawing on their experience from previous Movement - Dance Courses. They continue to explore, broaden their scope and improve their relation to space, shape, rhythm, tempo, continuity, repetition, action, coordination, gravity, tension and release, through the medium of physical theatre, as well as dance and acrobatic techniques. Students progress to the realization that their patterns of habitual body movement are the result of cliches and blocking, which restricts the expressiveness of their movement. They focus on the movement - breath - emotion relationship and cultivate their ability to be "present" during any action and react to any stimulus by accessing more alternative forms of expression .
Students work on the implementation of consecutive topics studied in theatre plays and poems. This semester a performance will be organized based on a play by Euripides «Bacchae», students will create choreography and scene work in collaboration with other courses such a Stage and Costume Design a Stage Lighting.
All Movement - Dance classes (I-VI) incorporate excercises to improve the level of physical skill (strength, flexibility, stamina), games to build trust, spontaneity, rhythm, exrpession, and perception to spark the imagination.
Additional bibliography for study
Cynthia I. Novack «Sharing the dance»
Anne Bogart - «Tina Landou The Viewpoints Book », Theater Communications Group New York, 2005.
3. Alison Hodge «Twentieth Century Actor Training», Routledge ,1999
4. Nicole Potter, «Movement for Actors » , Allworth Press, 2002
5 Roth Zaporah «The improvisation of presence», North Atlantic Books, 1995
6. Antonin Artaud «Τhe theater and its Double » Calder and Boyars Ltd, 1970
7. Eugenio Barba «THEATRE: Solitude, Craft»
8.Allain Paul «Gardzienice: Polish Theater in Transition » Harwood 1997
9. Silvia Federici «Πέρα από τα όρια του σώματος» Πότλατς 2023
10. Βουνελάκη Κλημεντίνη «Σώματα Αλλιώς» Ποταμός 2021