Introduction to Pedagogical Research

Course Information
TitleΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΗ ΕΡΕΥΝΑ / Introduction to Pedagogical Research
SchoolPhilosophy and Education
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate, 2nd / Postgraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter/Spring
CoordinatorDimitrios Stamovlasis
Course ID280009137

Programme of Study: UPS School of Philosophy and Education (2011-today)

Registered students: 4
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS
CoreElective CoursesWinter/Spring-6
PhilosophyElective CoursesWinter/Spring-6
PedagogicCompulsory Course belonging to the selected specialization (Compulsory Specialization Course)Winter/Spring-6

Class Information
Academic Year2024 – 2025
Class PeriodSpring
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours3
Total Hours39
Class ID
1. Τμήμα Φιλοσοφίας και ΠαιδαγωγικήςDimitrios Stamovlasis
2. Τμήματα Φιλοσοφικής ΣχολήςDimitrios Stamovlasis
3. Τμήματα ΣΘΕ, Θεολογικής ΣχολήςDimitrios Stamovlasis
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Scientific Area
  • Skills Development
Course Type 2011-2015
Specific Foundation / Core
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
Digital Course Content
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Greek (Instruction, Examination)
  • English (Examination)
Learning Outcomes
Learn the basic concepts in research methodology, understanding the epistemological assumptions of various methodological approaches, understanding basic conceps of statistics applied to research and be able to designe a research proposal (theory, hypothesis, data collection and analysis)
General Competences
  • Adapt to new situations
  • Make decisions
  • Generate new research ideas
  • Appreciate diversity and multiculturality
  • Be critical and self-critical
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course has three parts: (a) The Epistemology of Scientific Research Methods, (b) Methodology και (c) Introduction to the basic concepts of Statistics. (a) Epistemology: In this part, the epistemology of scientific research is developed. Concepts, such as aims of research, generalization, theory, scientific explanation, prediction, scientific hypothesis, stating and testing hypothesis, empirical content, falsification, and theory building, were analyze. Differences and resemblances of Social and Natural sciences were discussed and the various ontological and epistemological positions underlying methodological approaches, “Nomothetic” or /and “idiographic”, are considered and evaluated. (b) Methodology: The basic principles of research design are examined and the main methods of data collection, such as, survey method, interviews, sociometrics and experiments are described. Qualitative and quantitative approaches are explained within the logic of scientific discovery. (c) Introduction of basic Statistics: First, basic concepts of Descriptive Statistics, such as, frequency distributions, measures of central tendency, dispersion, variance, correlation, and contingency tables are examined. Next, The logic of Inferential Statistics is developed. Related concept such as normal distribution, levels of statistical significance, confidence intervals, p-values and null hypothesis are explained. The simple bivariate statistical tests are taught in a systematic way. Note that attendance of all lessons has been proved crucial for students’ competence and their final success in this course. The course assessment is realized with a final written examination and small projects.
Research Methodology, Social Science, Education, Statistics
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Laboratory Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
power point presentation are used in the lectures and for communication and teaching material distribution e-mail & OpenCourses system is implemented.
Course Organization
Reading Assigment100.4
Written assigments150.6
Student Assessment
Final test (conceptual questions and application of what has been taught )
Student Assessment methods
  • Written Exam with Multiple Choice Questions (Summative)
  • Written Exam with Short Answer Questions (Summative)
  • Written Assignment (Formative)
  • Oral Exams (Formative, Summative)
  • Performance / Staging (Summative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Σταμοβλάσης, Δ., & Βαϊοπούλου, Γ. (2021). Μεθοδολογία έρευνας στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες: Επιστημολογία, σχεδιασμός, συλλογή και ανάλυση ποσοτικών και ποιοτικών δεδομένων. Θεσσαλονίκη: Ζυγός. ISBN: 978-618-5063-67-2. Κωδικός στο σύστημα Εύδοξος: 102075594. Σταμοβλάσης, Δ. (2016). Μεθοδολογίας Εκπαιδευτικής Έρευνας με Στοιχεία Στατιστικής, Θεσσαλονίκη: Εκδόσεις Ζυγός (Εύδοξος 59377804).
Additional bibliography for study
EARL BABBIE (2011).ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗ ΕΡΕΥΝΑ. ΑΘΗΝΑ: ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΚΡΙΤΙΚΗ Α.Ε. Κωδ. Εύδοξος 12508145. LOUIS COHEN, LAWRENCE MANION, KEITH MORRISON (2008). ΜΕΘΟΔΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΡΕΥΝΑΣ. ΑΘΗΝΑ: ΜΕΤΑΙΧΜΙΟ ΕΚΔΟΤΙΚΗ Α.Ε. Κωδ. Εύδοξος 24179 Ελληνόγλωσση Γιαλαμάς, Β. (2005). Στατιστικές τεχνικές και εφαρμογές στις επιστήμες της αγωγής. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Πατάκης. Ιωσηφίδης, Θ. & Σπυριδάκης, Μ. (2006). Ποιοτική Κοινωνική Έρευνα. Μεθοδολογικές προσεγγίσεις και ανάλυση δεδομένων. Αθήνα: Κριτική. Κατσής, Α., Σιδερίδης, Γ., & Εμβαλωτής, Α. (2010). Στατιστικές μέθοδοι στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Τόπος. Κυριαζή, Ν. (2005). Η Κοινωνιολογική Έρευνα, Κριτική επισκόπηση των μεθόδων και των τεχνικών. Εκδόσεις., Αθήνα 2005: Ελληνικά Γράμματα Μπίκος, Κ. (2012). Ζητήματα Παιδαγωγικής που θέτουν οι Τεχνολογίες της Πληροφορίας και των Επικοινωνιών. Θεσσαλονίκη: Ζυγός Μπονίδης, Κ. (2004). Το περιεχόμενο του σχολικού βιβλίου ως αντικείμενο έρευνας. Αθήνα : Μεταίχμιο. Παπαναστασίου, Ε. & Παπαναστασίου, Κ. (2014). Μεθοδολογία εκπαιδευτικής έρευνας. Λευκωσία. Πουρκός, Μ. & Δαφέρμος, Μ. (2010). Ποιοτική έρευνα στις Κοινωνικές Επιστήμες. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Τόπος. Σαραφίδου, Γ.-Ό. (2011). Συνάθροιση ποσοτικών και ποιοτικών προσεγγίσεων: Η εμπειρική έρευνα. Αθήνα : Gutenberg. Ψαρρού, Μ. Ζαφειρόπουλος, Κ. (2001). «Επιστημονική έρευνα. Θεωρία και εφαρμογές στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες». Αθήνα: Τυπωθήτω, Γ. Δαρδανός. Ξενόγλωσση Denzin, N., & Lincoln, Y. (2005). Qualitative research. New Delhi: Sage Publications. Carmines, E. and Zeller, R. (1979). Reliability and Validity Assessment. London: Sage Publication. Corbetta, P. (2003). Social Research: Theory, Methods and Techniques. London: Sage Publication. Greer, S. (1969). The Logic of Social Inquiry, Chicago: Aldline. Miller, D., & Salkind, N. (2002). Handbook of Research Design &Social Measurement. 6th Edition. London: Sage Publication. Singleton, R. A., & Straits, B. C. (2005). Approaches to Social Research. New York: Oxford University Press.
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