Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
a) have a qualitative understanding of the effect of meteorological parameters on plants.
b) use drought indicators and agrometeorological models with their applications.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Human impact on the planet's climate. Greenhouse gases – greenhouse effect. Tools for assessing current and future climate. Climate Models and climate scenarios. Future projections - estimates of basic climate parameters in the region of Europe, the Mediterranean and Greece. Impacts of meteorological parameters (air temperature, precipitation, wind kai solar radiation) on plants. Evapotranspiration. Drought indicators. Agrometeorological models and their applications.
Additional bibliography for study
Environmental hydrology (2nd ed.), edited by A.D.Ward, W.J.Elliot, CRC Press, ISBN 1-56670-616-5, 2004.
Mavi H.S., Tupper G. J., 2004. Agrometeorology. Principles and Applications of Climate Studies in AgricultureI. CRC Press.