Learning Outcomes
Students will have an extensive and broad understanding of architectural criticism, as well as of theory of space and design.
will be exposed to the critical presentation of the work of important architects
will be able to offer a critical appraisal of an architectural work
will be able to present their ideas systematically, to do a short literature review and to write a short paper.
Course Content (Syllabus)
This course is a survey of Architectural Theory from the Renaissance period to the 21st century. Instead of a chronological order, the contents of the course are organised based on the different media used in the discipline of architecture to produce and participate in the theoretical discourse of its time. Texts, objects, exhibitions, images, and buildings, all constitute examples/paradigms that are studied to explore and identify the ideological, economic, social, technological, technical parameters that generate specific projects and to determine the ways in which architecture instrumentalises these examples. Each lecture focuses on a specific medium (Renaissance Treatise, Essay, Manifesto, Book, Press, Architectural Exhibitions, Architectural Education, Linear Representations, and Buildings) and is structured around a transhistorical investigation of their production and dissemination. This investigation is done through the study of specific historical examples of a broader historiography that compose the different constellations of architectural ideas and theories.