Learning Outcomes
The main objective of the course is for students to become acquainted with the logic and stages of designing and creating digital applications for cities and with the technologies (web technologies, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, etc.) used in this process.
Course Content (Syllabus)
A series of initiatives concerning the design and development of smart cities such as the Smart Cities Movement and the Intelligent Communities in the US, and the European Digital Cities, Living Labs, Smart Cities and the Future Internet, Smart Cities and Communities Initiative etc. in Europe, have developed and assess applications for digital cities in the fields of governance, promotion of entrepreneurship, the environment, land use, public space etc. At the same time the rapid diffusion of the Internet has enabled the creation of a large number of digital applications for cities, marking out the example of intelligent cities into a dominant model of urban development in the 21st century.
In the context of the above initiatives and guidelines, the course focuses on the design and development of digital city applications and includes (1) the presentation of examples of digital city applications, (2) the description of the architecture of digital applications, and (3) the presentation of basic technologies (web technologies, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, etc.) and methodologies for new product design used in the development of applications for digital cities.