Learning Outcomes
Understand the basic principles of the science of Building Physics.
Identify the non-visible deterioration processes of structures, related to environmental conditions.
Be able to collect, analyze and interpret scientific data on the subject of the course (quantitative and qualitative data).
Apply advanced research methodology and conduct academic research in international bibliographic sources.
Prepare and present their own research paper which will be structured and will have appropriate use of sources (notes, references, bibliography, etc.).
Course Content (Syllabus)
The aim of the course is to delve into the science of Building Physics and the ways in which buildings behave and interact with environmental conditions. Understanding the hydrothermal behavior of structural elements is the base of bioclimatic and energy planning. Emphasis will be placed on the outer shell of the buildings, which comes into direct contact with the environment and acts as a regulator of the indoor climate. Energy performance of buildings, materials with low CO2 emissions, carbon footprint of construction and sustainability, are concepts that will be discussed during the course.
Building Physics, hydrothermal behavior, Energy performance of buildings, Materials with low CO2 emissions, Carbon footprint of construction, Sustainability
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Βιβλίο [102124141]: Οδηγός Ενεργειακής Επιθεώρησης Κτηρίων, Παντελίδης Γιώργος, Μηχανολόγος μηχανικός Ε.Μ.Π. Μέλος ομάδας εργασίας για την αναθεώρηση των ΤΟΤΕΕ 20701-1 και ΤΟΤΕΕ 20701-4
Additional bibliography for study
Δομική Φυσική, Ν. Παπαμανώλης, ηλεκτρονικό σύγγραμμα, Κάλλιππος
Θερμομονωτικά υλικά, Δ. Αραβαντινός, ηλεκτρονικό σύγγραμμα, Κάλλιππος